Development of Student Worksheets Based on Realistic Mathematics Education Class X.


  • Arima Trisminingsih
  • . Edrizon


The background of this research by difficulty of teachers when the teacher made teaching materials to help students develop students' thinking. Teaching materials in the form of student worksheets (LKPD) made by teachers, starting from introducing mathematical formulas make students tend to accept and memorize formulas. Thus, students' knowledge is less meaningful. This is conveyed from the opinion of CORD (in Wijaya, 2011: 3) a knowledge will be meaningful for students if the learning process is carried out in a context. In addition, in scientific learning there is a reasoning / associating stage that requires students' creative thinking and reasoning. The type of approach that can be used with a context and requires creativity of thought and reasoning of students one of which is realistic. Some mathematical materials that can be used from realistic learning are systems of linear equations, linear programs, matrix, and sequence and series. Based on these problems, one of the efforts made is to develop a Student Worksheet based on Realistic Mathematics Education for class X

This type of research is Research & Development or R&D. This RME-based LKPD was developed with a 4-D model consisting of four stages, namely the define, design, develop, and desseminate stages. But this research only reached the stage of development. Validation is carried out by experts consisting of two lecturers and one teacher, to see whether this learning media is valid. Practicality test conducted by one teacher and 28 students.

Based on the results of the validity test questionnaire, that RME-based LKPD is valid, obtained an average validity of 81.94%. Based on the results of the practicality questionnaire from teachers and students, that RME-based LKPD practically obtained an average of 80.77% and 81.96%.

So it can be concluded that the RME-based LKPD on the linear equation system X class of SMAN 1 Batang Anai is valid and practical as a medium of mathematics learning. Based on the results of this study, researchers suggest that LKPD can be used as an alternative media by educators, it is necessary to do further research in other schools, because researchers only arrive at practical and small-scale trials.


Key words: Realistic Mathematics Education, Student Worksheets


