Analysis of mathematical communication skills clas VII SMP Negeri 22 Padang on material set


  • Nur Azizah
  • Susi Herawati
  • Fazri Zuzano


Students mathematical communication skills are not optimal. Students have not been able to interpret questions in the form of mathematics, either symbol and pictures. From the problem found, researchers do the research under the title "Analysis of Mathematical communication skills write students in SMP Negeri 22 Padang on material set"

This research aims to describe the ability of mathematical communication in the students ' study in the mathematical problems and to know the factors that affect the mathematical communication skills of students ' writing.

This type of research is qualitative research. Data obtained from the test results of mathematical communication skills and interviews to obtain information about the factors affecting the ability of mathematical communication of students ' writing.

The results of this study showed that many students who have high writing mathematical communication skills are 21.43%, students with moderate mathematical communication skills are 64.29%, and students with low mathematical communication skills are 14.29 %. Factors that affect the ability to write mathematical communication, namely: (a) the ability of learners to interpret mathematical problems. With the reading ability can make it easy for learners to write the information obtained from a problem correctly. (b) Material understanding. By understanding the material, students are able to solve the mathematical problems given.

Thus it can be suggested to the teacher to direct students to resolve the problem according to the correct stage and use the appropriate mathematical symbols so that students are more directed to solve the problem and the ability The mathematical communication for the better.

Keywords: Communication skills analysis, problem solving


