"Development of Guess Word Media Cards in Indonesian Language Learning Theme 6 My Class Ideas SDN 03 Alai Padang." Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training andEducation, Bung Hatta University.


  • Wirnita . .
  • Hidayati . Azkiya


Executive Summary

Natalia, Pramita. 2020. "Development of Guess Word Media Cards in Indonesian Language Learning Theme 6 My Class Ideas SDN 03 Alai Padang." Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training andEducation, Bung Hatta University.


Supervisor:      1. Dr. WirnitaEska, S.Pd, MM.

2. HidayatiAzkiya, S.Pd, M.Pd


In the world of education there is a curriculum that has an important role and is used as a foundation or guidance in educating teachers. Basically the application that is demanded in the 2013 curriculum is an active learning process with student centered without dominating the implementation of the lecture method in learning. However, most teachers use the lecture method, questions and answers, and discussion as the main method. To overcome the problems that have been described is needed an innovation in learning that can improve the activeness and learning outcomes of students. One way that can be done is by using word guessing media in class V SDN 03 Alai Padang. Based on this, the researcher will conduct development research with the title development of guessing card media on Indonesian language learning class IV SDN 03 Alai Padang.

This type of research is development research with the type of research to be carried out is research development or research and development. According to Sugiyono (2009: 407) that "the research method used to produce certain products, and test the effectiveness of these products. The research instrument uses validity, practicality, and effectiveness sheets. The observed aspects are material, design, and language aspects. to test three aspects of validity expert opinions can be used. Practicality Test is conducted after the media is validated and feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the level of practicality of guessing media media for Indonesian language learning class IV SDN 03 Alai Padang conducted by one teacher and 33 students, while in effectiveness using Pre Test and Post Test questions as many as 15 items .

The results showed an average value of 84% validity with valid criteria, an average value of 85% practicality with practical criteria and an average value of 63% effectiveness with sufficient criteria. From these data it was concluded that the development of guessing card media in Indonesian language learning theme 6 of my ideals was valid, practical, and effective in learning Indonesian in class IV Elementary School.


Keywords: media, Indonesian learning, word guessing cards


