.”Interaktif Media Development Based Macromedia Flash The Study Of Mathematics On The Disfiguring Number Material For TheStudentClass I SD Negeri03 Alai Padang”Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Zulfa . Amrina
  • Arlina . Yuza


Executive Summary

Diansyah,Ikfar. 2020.”Interaktif  Media Development Based Macromedia Flash The Study Of Mathematics On The Disfiguring Number Material For TheStudentClass I SD Negeri03 Alai Padang”Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.



Pembimbing: 1. Dra. ZulfaAmrina, M.Pd

                        2. ArlinaYuza, S.Pd.,M.Pd

               Education is one the primary foundational ways to realize the human personalitiy to be meaningful and have competence. For educational purpose then achieving creative learning activities, as listed in Permendikbud Number 65 Year 2013 stating that the learning process in education can be mined because it is based on a creative, fun and meaning learning process.

               At time teaching mathematics teachers use learning tools like LKS, package books and number cards on broken numerals so that the learning becomes monotonous and the teacher is still not able to develop learning media. In order to address that problem, the researchers developed a macromedia flash mathematics learning medium on the negative number material for the class I SD Negeri 03 Alai Padang. Based on that, then the researchers did a study with a title “Interaktif Media Development Based Macromedia Flash The Study Of Mathematics On The Disfiguring Number Material For TheStudentClass I SD Negeri03 Alai Padang”.

               This type of research is development research using development models 4-D  that isDefine, Design, develop, andDisseminate. But this study is only up to a stage develop. The subject of these interactive media tests is the class I SD Negeri 03 Alai Padang on my theme 5 experience sub theme 1 childhood experience the learning of 3,5 and 6, which amount to 28 students. The technique of data analysis used in the analysis of interactive media validation and practice of interactive media validation. The data taken in this study is the result of mathematics learning using interactive media shared at the end of learning.

               Studies have shown an average validity value overall that is 92,1% with very valid categories, while the average practice value by teachers gets results percentages 87,5% with practical categories.

               It suggest that macromedia flash based interactive media flash is so powerful and practical that it can be used as one of the mathematics learning media in class I SD Negeri 03 Alai Padang.


Keywords:Module Development, Contexstual Teaching and Learning, Natural Sciences


