The Influence of Example Non Example Model On Learning Outcomes Of Indonesian In Class IV SDN 09 Air Pacah Padang District Padang


  • Wirnita Eska
  • Syafni Gustina Sari


This study aims to determine the effect of the Example Non Example learning model on Indonesian Language learning outcomes for fourth grade students at SDN 09 Air Pacah Padang Koto Tangah District Padang. This research was conducted because learning is still dominated by teachers, the learning model is less varied and the learning outcomes of fourth grade students of SDN 09 Air Pacah Padang Regency in Indonesian subjects are low. Therefore, there needs to be a learning model that can get students actively involved and work together in the learning process by using the Example Non Example learning model. According to Shoimin (2014: 73), Example Non Example is a learning model that teaches students about existing problems around them through the analysis of examples in the form of pictures, photographs and problem-laden cases. This type of research is experimental research. The population of this research is all students in grade IV SDN 09 Air Pacah Padang, sampling is done using the Total Sampling technique. To determine the experimental class and the control class random sampling and class IV B as the experimental class and class IV A as the control class. Data were analyzed by t test at the level of α = 0.05. The data taken in this study is the score of Indonesian learning outcomes obtained through the final test in an objective form. The results showed that the average value of the final test of the experimental class was 79,26, higher than the control class 69,44. Based on the hypothesis test the price of t arithmetic ≥ t table is 3,81> 2.01 with α = 0.05. The results of the study concluded that there was an effect of the Example Non Example learning model on the learning outcomes of Indonesian students in grade IV SDN 09 Air Pacah Padang. It is recommended for teachers to be able to apply the Ecample Non Example learning model in the Learning process.
Keywords: Example Non Example Model, Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes.


