.”Development of Contexstual Teaching and Learning (CTL) based natural science learning modules for grade IV students of SD N 22 Kuranji Padang” Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Wince . Hendri
  • Ira Rahmayuni Jusar


Executive Summary

Daryus, Muthyara. 2020.”Development of Contexstual Teaching and Learning (CTL) based natural science learning modules for grade IV students of SD N 22 Kuranji Padang” Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University. 


Pembimbing: 1. Dr. Wince Hendri, M.Si

                        2. Ira Rahmayuni Jusar, S.Si. M.Pd

               Basically Natural Science (IPA) is the study of living things and their environment in which there is a mutual relationship between living things and their environment. Generally teachers use teaching materials in the form of student handbooks and teacher handbooks along with Student Work Sheets (LKS) are inadequate and the material contained in the book is minimal in terms of material. To overcome these problems researchers developed a module based on the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) approach for grade IV students of SD Negeri 22 Kuranji Padang. Based on this, the researchers conducted a research development under the title "Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning Based Natural Science Learning Module (CTL) for Class IV Students of SD Negeri 22 Kuranji Padang".

               This type of research is development research using the 4-D development model, namely Define, Design, develop, and Disseminate. But in this study only reached the develop stage. The subject of this learning module trial was grade IV students of SD Negeri 22 Kuranji Padang on theme 6 "My dreams" Sub Theme 2 "Amazingly my dreams" in learning 1 and learning 2 totaling 23 students. The data analysis technique used is the analysis of the results of the module validation and the analysis of the module practicality results. The data taken in this study are the results of a science learning questionnaire using modules that are distributed at the end of learning.

               The results showed an average value of overall validity of 3.67 with a very valid category while the average value of practicality by the teacher obtained a percentage of results 83.85% with the practical category and obtained practicality results by students with a percentage of results 82.26% with practical category.

               From these data it was concluded that the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) based learning module was very valid and practically used in science learning so that it could be used as one of the teaching materials in learning in class IV SD 22 Kuranji



Keywords: Module Development, Contexstual Teaching and Learning, Natural Sciences


