Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning Based Modules for Class IV Students of 19 Cubadak Air North Elementary School, Pariaman City. Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University.


  • Wirnita . .
  • Hidayati . Azkiya


Executive Summary

Alfirzan, Aulia, 2020. Development of Contextual Teaching and Learning Based Modules for Class IV Students of 19 Cubadak Air North Elementary School, Pariaman City. Thesis in Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University. 

Mentor:Dr. WirnitaEska,S.Pd, M.M.

HidayatiAzkiya,S.Pd, M.Pd.


The purpose of education in general is to educate the life of the nation and develop a whole person, that is, those who believe in and have faith in God Almighty and have knowledge and skills. One of the subjects that can help achieve educational goals is the Indonesian subject that has been studied in elementary schools. Based on the results of observations researchers see the lack of student desire to ask. The thing that causes the students' lack of desire to ask questions is that teachers tend to use conventional methods (lectures and questions and answers). In addition, teaching materials used are in the form of Student Work Sheets (LKS) and printed books. Based on these problems, researchers developed Indonesian language learning modules using the 2013 curriculum based on Contextual Teaching and Learning.


Research and Development involves several development processes, namely valid, practical, and effective learning modules developed. The instrument of this study was the validity and questionnaire sheets. Validity test is based on questionnaire validator 1 as a material expert, questionnaire validator 2 as a linguist, and questionnaire validator 3 as a display expert. Practicality test is based on the questionnaire of teacher and student practicality. The module effectiveness test is done by looking at the results of the students' posttest.


The Indonesian Language module gets 100% validity for material eligibility so it is included in the very valid category, 100% for language validity so that it is included in the very valid category and 95% for display validity which is also included in the very valid category. The Indonesian Language module gets a practical level of student tests of 90%, so that it is included in the very practical category. For the practicality of teachers obtained a percentage of 85% which is also included in the practical category. The Indonesian Language Module gets the level of effectiveness of student tests at 86%. So, it can be concluded that the Indonesian language module based on contextual teaching and learning has met the standards to be used in the learning process in class IV odd semester.


Keywords: Indonesian, Contextual Teaching and Learning, Modules.


