Development Of Indonesian Learning Module Based On Constructivism In Class IV Students SDN 13 Bukit Kaciak South PesisirDistrict. Skripsi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,Universitas Bung Hatta.


  • Wirnita . .
  • Hidayati . Azkiya


Executive Summary

Ikhsan, Akhsanul. 2020. Development Of Indonesian Learning Module Based On Constructivism In Class IV Students SDN 13 Bukit Kaciak South PesisirDistrict. Skripsi Pendidikan Guru Sekolah Dasar, Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan,Universitas Bung Hatta.


Adviser : Dr.WirnitaEska, S.Pd, M.M.

HidayatiAzkiya, S.Pd, M.Pd.


               This study aims to develop learning media in Indonesian Language subjects in grade IV elementary school on the theme 3 Care for Living Things that is valid, practical, and effective. The theory used is Susanto's (2013) opinion on learning, Trianto's (2009) opinion on constructivism approach, and Daryanto's (2013) opinion on modules. This type of research is development research or Research & Development, namely research that develops or makes a product that consists of the stages of defining, designing, and developing. This research was conducted at SDN 13 Bukit Kaciak in the even semester of the 2019/2020 school year. The development process begins with observing at SDN 13 Bukit Kaciak to find potential and problems, followed by collecting data and designing modules for fourth grade students at Bukit Kaciak SDN, then the module is validated by experts so that it can be tested on students to find out the student practicality and teacher practicality and module effectiveness. Validation from two validators was obtained with 100% content worthiness with a very valid category, 88% for the language aspect with a valid category, and 95% for the display aspect for the very valid category. Practicality of students was tested on students getting a percentage of 99% with a very practical category, and practicality of teachers getting a percentage of 98% with a very practical category. Furthermore, the effectiveness of the module was tested with students getting a percentage of 100% included in the effective category. Thus, the learning module developed has been valid, practical, and effective so that it can be used as a medium in learning Indonesian in grade IV elementary school. 


Keywords: Indonesian language, modules, constructivism, validity, practicality and effectiveness.


