Effect of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Learning Model on reading skill of grade V students SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University


  • Hasnul . Fikri
  • Siska . Angreni


Executive Summary


Pratiwi,Indah. 2020. Effect of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Learning Model on reading skill of grade V students SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang. Thesis Elementary School Teacher Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University


Mentor            : Dr. Hasnul Fikri, M.Pd

Siska Angreni, S.Pd. M.Pd



               The purpose of this studyis to determine the effect of Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Learning Model on the results of reading skill of grade V student of SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang. This research was conducted because of learning is still dominated by teachers, learning models are less varied and learning outcomes of Grade V students of SDN 16 SurauGadang Padang in Indonesian subjects. Therefore, there are need to be a learning model that can make students actively involved and work together in the learning process namely Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC). Istarani (2011: 112), states that "Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition learning model is one of the cooperative learning models using small groups with the number of members of each group of 4-5 students randomly / heterogeneously”.


            The type of this study is experimental research. The population of this study was all the student on class V in SDN 16 Surau Gadang Padang. Consist of 2 classes in or der to determine the experimental class and the control class which used the random sampling technique. Based on this technique, it is and that class Va as the experimental class and the class Vb as the control class. The data of this study were taken by result learning score of student in Indonesian language subject through the final test in an objective form.

The result of this study shown that in avarage value of the final test of the experimental class (83.57) was higher than the control class (79.04). Based on the hypothesis test, it was found that tcount> ttable that is 6,66 >1,68. Therefore, it was proven there is an effect of the cooperative integrated reading and composition (CRIC) learning model on reading skill of the student class V in SDN 16 Surau Gadang Padang. It is suggest to the teacher to apply this learning model (CIRC) as one of technique learning model of reading.

Keywords: Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) Model,

                  Indonesian Language Learning Outcomes.


