The Effect of the Implementation of the Quick On The Draw Type of Cooperative Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes on the Theme of Ecosystem Class V SDN 34 Aia Pacah, Padang. Elementary School Teacher Study Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Bung Hatta University.


  • Rezi Diamanda Putri
  • Hendra . Hidayat
  • Arlina . Yuza




Putri, Rezi Diamanda. 2020. The Effect of the Implementation of the Quick On The Draw Type of Cooperative Learning Model on Student Learning Outcomes on the Theme of Ecosystem Class V SDN 34 Aia Pacah, Padang. Elementary School Teacher Study Program. Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. Bung Hatta University.

Mentored:     1. Dr. Hendra Hidayat, M.Pd

                     2. Arlina Yuza, S.Pd., M.Pd

                              Thematic learning has several characteristics, one of which uses the principle of play while learning. Thematic learning is expected to provide a better understanding of the principles of learning while playing because it can invite students. However, the ability of students to understand science material in thematic learning is known to be still not as expected. To overcome the problems that have been described is needed an innovation in learning that can improve student learning outcomes by applying the cooperative learning model type quick on the draw in class V SDN 34 Aia Pacah, Padang. Based on this, an experimental study was conducted under the title "The Effect of Application of the Cooperative Learning Model Type Quick On The Draw on Student Learning Outcomes in the Ecosystem Theme Class V SDN 34 Aia Pacah, Padang".               This type of research is experimental research. The independent variable in this study is the type of cooperative learning model quick on the draw, while the dependent variable is student learning outcomes on the theme of economics. The population in the study was all students of class V 34 Aia Pacah, Padang, which amounted to 49 students. The data taken in this study are the results of learning the Ecosystem theme. The instrument used in the study was a multiple choice question that had been validated.               The results showed that the average value of the VA class was 86.68 while the VB class without treatment obtained an average of 81.63. Statistically obtained ˃ with values of 5.29 and 2.0137 at α = 0.05, the hypothesis is accepted.               Based on these data it can be concluded that the type of quick on the draw cooperative learning model influences student learning outcomes on the Ecosystem theme of the experimental class. Thus, teachers are expected to be able to implement the type of quick on the draw cooperative learning model Thematic learning has several characteristics, one of which uses the principle of play while learning. Thematic learning is expected to provide a better understanding of the principles of learning while playing because it can in learning. Keywords: quick on the draw, ecosystem, learning outcomes


