An Analysis of the Second Year Students’ Speaking Ability through Story Telling at MAN Batu Mandi Tilatang Kamang Kabupaten Agam


  • . Hanifa
  • . ernati
  • Welya Roza



Based on the writer’s observation at second year students of MAN BatuMandiTilatangKamangKabupatenAgam, it was difficult for students to speak English. This research was aimed to describe students’ ability in speaking through story telling. The design of this research was descriptive. The number of population members was 109 students. The writer used stratified cluster random sampling technique because the populations are divided into strata. The writer took 47 students as the sample.In collecting the data, the writer used speaking test orally. In real test, the writer gave five topics to be chosen by students. To analyze the data based on the result of speaking test, the writer presented the raw score, calculated the students’ score, mean, standard deviation, classified the students who got high, moderate, or low ability, and counted the percentage of students’ ability. The result of this research showed that the students’ speaking ability through story telling at MAN BatuMandiTilatangKamangKabupatenAgamin general was moderate (65.96%). In detail the percentages of each aspects in speaking through story telling were89.36% students had moderate ability in expressing the content, 82.98% students had moderate ability in using grammar, 72.34%students had moderate ability in choosing and using appropriate words, 61.70% students had moderate ability in pronuncing the words, and 70.2% students had moderate ability in applying fluency. The writer gives suggestion to both the teachers and the students. For teachers, the writer suggests to consider their teaching aspect for instance through story telling as their media in teaching. For students, the writer suggests study harder especially in speaking, because speaking is the main language skill to be mastered among three other skills.


Key words: Ability, Speaking, Components of Speaking.


