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“The Development of Interactive Mathematics Learning Media of Two-Dimensional Figure Perimeter and Area for Fourth Graders at SD Negeri 13 Surau Gadang”


  • OLZAH FADILAH NINGSIH Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Zulfa Amrina Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Daswarman Universitas Bung Hatta


PENGEMBANGAN MEDIA PEMBELAJARAN MATEMATIKA INTERAKTIF MATERI KELILING DAN LUAS DAERAH BANGUN DATAR UNTUK SISWA KELAS IV DI SD NEGERI 13 SURAU GADANG ABSTRACT This study aims to produce interactive mathematics learning media on the circumference and area of a flat area for fourth grade students at SD N 13 Surau Gadang, which meet the valid and practical criteria. This type of research is development research. The research and development model used is the 4-D model which is modified into 3-D, namely define, design and develop. This research was conducted in the odd semester of the 2019/2020 school year. The research instrument included a validation sheet and a practicality questionnaire (teacher response questionnaire). Interactive Mathematics learning media was validated by 2 lecturers, and tested on 1 teacher. Based on the results of research on the development of interactive mathematics learning media in grade IV SDN 13 Surau Gadang, it meets very valid criteria with an average rating of 3.6 by material experts, very valid criteria with an average acquisition of 3.6 by media experts and practical criteria with an assessment percentage of 87.5%. It can be concluded that the interactive Mathematics learning media meets the very valid and practical criteria to be used as a Mathematics learning medium in grade IV elementary schools. Keywords: Development, Mathematics Learning Media, Interactive



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