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"Development of Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash 8 with Contextual Teaching and Learning Approaches in Class V Geometryof SDN 55 Aia Pacah, Koto Tangah Subdistrict, Padang City"


  • DIA AMDIA Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Daswarman Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Rieke Alyusfitri Universitas Bung Hatta


ExecutiveSummaryAmdia, D. 2020. "Development of Learning Media Based on Macromedia Flash 8 with Contextual Teaching and Learning Approaches in Class V Geometryof SDN 55 Aia Pacah, Koto Tangah Subdistrict, Padang City" Thesis Education for Elementary School Teachers, Teacher Training and Education Science, Bung Hatta University.Supervisor: 1. Daswarman, S.T, M.Pd2. Rieke Alyusfitri, S.Si, M.PdMathematics is a tool for developing ways of thinking. Therefore mathematics is indispensable for everyday life or in the faceof advances in science and technology. Technology can make it easy for humans in many ways, including education as an IT (Information Technology) -based learning medium which is considered quite attractive to students, because it is seen from the point ofview of elementary students who are in something new and exciting. Macromedia flash 8 can be a means for teachers in interactive learning as effectively and practically as possible so that learning becomes closer. Regarding the teacher in the presentationmaterial only uses textbooks provided by schools that do not attract students' interest in learning, to overcome this problem the researchers are interested in developing macromedia flash 8-based mathematics learning media. Based on Macromedia Flash 8 with a Contextual Learning Approach Building Classroom V SDN 55 Aia Pacah Kec. Koto Tangah Padang City "This type of research is research development or Research and Development (R&D). Sugiyono (2016: 297), The development model used in this development is the 4-D development model (Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate). to be tried with the aim of alerting the level of interactive learning media to build a classroom V SD which is conducted by one teacher and two students.The results showed the average validity value of 96.3%. With very valid criteria, the average practicality value is 94.1%. With very good criteria.From these data it can be concluded that interactive development media for learning spaces are very valid and very practical in learning mathematics in class V SD.Keywords: Mathematics, Learning Media, Macromedia Flash 8



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