
  • Khalisa Salsya Kirana Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Fitrina Harmaini Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Lailatul Husna Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION English becomes the most essential language that is used by people to communicate each other. All of people communicate for some communicative purposes. If we want to be good at English, we should master four skills for example speaking, listening, reading and writing [1]. Speaking and listening are included in productive skills, while reading and writing included in receptive skills. Speaking is the main challenge for learners and often makes them frustrated so that the speaking strategies for learners are needed very much [2]. Speaking and listening are included in productive skills, while reading and writing included in receptive skills. Speaking is the main challenge for learners and often makes them frustrated so that the speaking strategies for learners are needed very much [3]. In Bung Hatta University English learning is not only applied in the English education department, but also in all faculties at Bung Hatta University, because Bung Hatta University wants to give the best for students if they are going to apply for a job. They will be able to speak and be confident in English. METHOD The purpose of this research was to analyze students difficulties in speaking at Biology Department students of Bung Hatta University. The design of this research was descriptive research. The population of this research was the third year Biology Department Students of Bung Hatta University. The total of sample members were 10 students, they were chosen by using total sampling technique [4]. The data were collected through speaking test by video. To make the test reliable, the researcher used inter-rater method. It means that there were two scorers to check the students’ speaking by video. The correlation of coefficients of two scores was 0.79. It means the test was reliable. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The result of this research showed that in general the students had difficulty in speaking at Biology Department students of Bung Hatta University. It was proved by the finding that there are 70% had difficulty. The students had difficulty in using correct grammar; it was proved by finding that 70% students having difficulties. The students had difficulty in pronouncing word; it was proved by finding that 90% students having difficulties. The students had no difficulty in appropriate vocabulary; it was proved by finding that 100% students had no difficulty. The students having difficulties in fluency, it was proved by finding that 30% students having difficulty. Table 1. The students who had or no difficulty in speaking Apects Category The Percentage of Students Speaking Having difficulties 70% Grammar Having difficulties 70% Pronounciation Having difficulties 90% Vocabulary Having difficulties 0% Fluency Having difficulties 30% CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based on the result of this research, it can be concluded that The Difficulties to Speak English Encountered by The Third Year Biology Students of Bung Hatta University having difficulties. Keywords: Speaking, Biology students, Difficulties THANK YOU NOTE In writing this thesis, the researcher would like to thank her both advisors, Fitrina Harmaini, S.S., M,A and Lailatul Husna, S.Pd., M.Pd for their helping as guidance, corrector and motivator. My gratitude also goes to all of the lecturers of English Department for their kindness during my study. Then, my special thanks go to my beloved parents who are Mr. Yawardi Kurniawan and Mrs. Rita Hayani, my brother and sister who are Khaila Riyani, Khanza Azzahra and Muhammad Rafly Rizky Ramadhan, then to all of the family members for the endless prayers, patience, support and motivation especially my aunty and my uncle. Without them the researcher couldn’t accomplish this thesis. The researcher also thanks to many friends Isrofa Meroja, Rika Nadila Yuli Putri, Anisah Puspita, Desy Hasriyanti, Ladhysa, Olyvia Faraditha, Siska Maya Rumantir, Risqi Amalia, Siti Sari Nurmala, Rya Guspriyanti and Widya Melinda Saputri for their encouragements, motivation and supports to finish this thesis.


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