
  • Atira novriza Pratiwi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Welya Roza Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Lailatul Husna Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Writing is a kind of written communication that aims at making students able to use English in written form[1].To support the four skills, the students should also master language components: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, and so on [2]. Biography is the histories of individual lives, considered as a branch of literature[3].The researcher chose the fourth year of the English Department of Bung Hatta University because the researcher wanted to know the ability of the students in writing an essay through writing biography. METHOD Descriptive research is intended to investigate the circumstances, conditions or other things that have been mentioned, the results of which are presented in the form of research reports[4].The population of this research was the fourth year students and the sample was 24 students. The researcher used total sampling technique in selecting the sample. The researcher collected the data through a writing test. The researcher used the inter-rater technique to know the reliability of the instrument. The data were collected through Gmail and classified the students' ability based on the Bung Hatta University criterion. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Based on the results of data analysis, it was found that the fourth year student’ ability in writing biography at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very good. It was proved by the fact that 100% had very good ability. Table 1 The Result of Writing a Biography Ability Students Percentage Very good 24 100% Good 0 0% Satisfactory 0 0% Bad 0 0% Second, the fourth year student’ ability in writing biography at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was good. It was proved by the fact that 62.5% had good ability. Table 2 The Result of Writing Biography Expressing Content Ability Students Percentage Very good 9 37.5% Good 15 62.5% Satisfactory 0 0% Bad 0 0% Third, the fourth year student’ ability in writing biography using grammar at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very good. It was proved by the fact that 79.17% had very good ability. Table 3 The Result of Writing Biography Using Grammar Ability Students Percentage Very good 19 79.17% Good 5 20.83% Satisfactory 0 0% Bad 0 0% Fourth, the fourth year student’ ability in writing biography using vocabulary at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very good. It was proved by the fact that 100% had very good ability. Table 4 The Result of Writing Biography Using Vocabulary Ability Students Percentage Very good 24 100% Good 0 0% Satisfactory 0 0% Bad 0 0% Fifth, the fourth year students’ ability in writing biography using punctuation at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very good. It was proved by the fact that 100% had very good ability. Table 4.5 The Result of Writing Biography Using Punctuation Ability Students Percentage Very good 24 100% Good 0 0% Satisfactory 0 0% Bad 0 0% Sixth, the fourth year students’ ability in writing biography using generic structure at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was good. It was proved by the fact that 91.67% had good ability. Table 4.6 The Result of Writing A Biography Ability Students Percentage Very good 2 8.33% Good 22 91.67% Satisfactory 0 0% Bad 0 0% CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION Based the result of data analysis above, it can be concluded that the fourth year students’ ability in writing biography at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was very good. Dealing with such conclusion, it is suggested to the studens’ to maintain and improve their ability and for the lecturers to gives more exercise and give more explanation about writing the biography. Keywords: Ability, Writing, Biography. THANK YOU NOTE The researcher would like to give her gratefulness to the advisors Dr. Drs. H. Welya Roza, MPd. and Lailatul Husna, S. Pd., M. Pd. who had patiently given valuable advice and guidance to finish this thesis. She also expresses her appreciation to the Chairwoman of the English Department, Dra. Ernati, M. Pd. Furthermore, the researcher would like to say thanks to all lecturers who helped during her study in this department. Then, the researcher deepest appreciation is also to her beloved parents, Drs. H. Noviar, M.M and Hj. Elza Yerita, AMK who have prayed and given motivation during her study and accomplishing this thesis. Thanks are also addressed to her brother Andiko Mohammad Novriza and sister Najwa Novriza Ghayatri. She also gives huge gratitude to all fourth year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University that help her to do the research. She also thanks to all her friends at English Department who helped her to work on this thesis especially Diah Faujimi, Livia Amanda Putri, Sinta Muchlis, and Wahyuni Lidya Putri who have shared ideas, happiness, sadness, and beautiful moments.


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