"The Influence of the Kumon Learning Method on the Learning Outcomes of Class III Students' Civics Tanjung Medan Pesisir Selatan"


  • TANTI YULIANTI Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Nurharmi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Darwianis Universitas Bung Hatta


"The Influence of the Kumon Learning Method on the Learning Outcomes of Class III Students' Civics Tanjung Medan Pesisir Selatan" Elementary School Teacher Education Thesis, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University Advisors: 1. Drs, Nurharmi, M.Si 2 Dra, Darwianis, S.SOS, M.H Civics (Citizenship Education) is a social subject that has the aim of forming, making, and or realizing Indonesian citizens, becoming citizens who know and are able to do good. According to Susanto (2013: 225) Citizenship Education (Civics) is "a subject that is used as a vehicle for developing and preserving noble and moral values rooted in the Indonesian culture. These moral and noble values are expected to be manifested in the form of daily behavior, both as individuals and as members of society, and creatures of the One and Only God, which is an effort to equip students with basic knowledge and abilities regarding the relationship between citizens and the State as well as preliminary defense education. The state in order to become a citizen that can be relied on by the nation and state. The type of research used is experimental research. In principle, experimental research can be defined as a systematic method to build relationships that contain causal-effect relationships. The main purpose of this methodology is to explain a problem but generate generalizations. Generalization is a fact of truth that occurs in a reality about a problem that is expected to apply to a certain population. The results of the study The effect of the Kumon Learning Method on the Civics Learning Outcomes of Class V Students of Pancung Problem Inderapura The average Civics learning outcomes of class V students in the experimental class was 73.7 and the control class was 65.2. From the results of the final test the experimental class average is higher than the control class. Then the two sample classes were normally distributed and then carried out with a homogeneity test where Fcount was 1.74 and Ftable was 1.90, meaning that the two data had a homogeneous variance, so it was found that the data was normally distributed and the two data groups were homogeneous. So at the level of hypothesis testing the price of t count> t (0.05; 34) where (2.04> 1.99) as evidenced by the significant level α = 0.05. This shows the existence of "The Influence of the Kumon Learning Method on the Learning Outcomes of Civics Class V Pancung Problem Inderapura".



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