
  • Sinta Muchlis Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Fitrina Harmaini Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Lisa Tavriyanti Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Speaking is the way of people to express and communicate ideas to others orally. Speaking is one of the important skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English [1]. in learning Speaking skills, the students must concern the component of speaking skills, there are pronunciation, grammar, fluency, vocabulary, and intonation [2]. A tour guide is a person who guides visitors in the language of their choice and interprets the cultural and natural heritage of an area [3]. To be succesfull in mastering speaking skill especially to be a tour guide, the students also need to master speaking skills. Based on the researcher’s observation in class twelve Tourism Department of SMKN 2 Bukittinggi, the researcher found the students have ability in doing tour guide role play. Relating to this, the researcher conducted the study on the twelve grade students ability in doing tour guide role play at Tourism Departement of SMKN 2 Bukittinggi. METHOD This research belongs to a descriptive research because it describes the students’ ability in doing tour guides role play [4]. The population of this research was the students in class twelve TourismDepartmentof SMKN 2 Bukittinggi. The sample was comprised 28 students taken by total sampling technique. The researcher used the speaking test to collect the data. To analyzing the data, the researcher did the steps as follows: the researcher calculated each students’ score, the researcher counted the average score of two scorers, the reseacher converted students’ score, the researcher classified the students’ ability by using the school criteria, and the researcher calculated percentage of the students ability. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of the research showed that generally the students had ability in doing tour guide by aspect of content, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and pronunciation. It was supported by the fact that 28 students (100%) had ability in doing tour guide role play. In detail, 19 students (67,86%) were found to have a very good ability in express the ideas (content), 26 students (92,86%) were found to have a very good ability in grammar, 28 students (100%) were found to have a very good ability invocabulary, 28 students (100%) were found to have a very good ability in fluency, and 28 students (100%) were found to have a very good ability in pronunciation. The Table of All Findings No Aspects The Number of Students Who Had Abilities Number Percentage 1 Ability in express ideas 19 Students 67,86 % 2 Ability in grammar 26 Students 92,86 % 3 Ability in vocabulary 28 Students 100 % 4 Ability in fluency 28 Students 100 % 5 Ability in pronunciation 28 Students 100 % CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings the researcher drew conclusion that the twelve grade students’ at Tourism Department of SMKN 2 Bukittinggi had ability in doing tour guide role play. Related to the study the researcher proposed some suggestions. To the teachers, they are suggested to give the enrichment to maintain and improve the students ability. To the students, they are suggested to keep practice to maintain and improve their ability to be a tour guide, to the future researchers, they are suggested to study the students’ problem in doing tour guide role play. Keywords: Ability, Speaking, Tour Guide Role Play.


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Antasari, W. (2020). An Analysis Of The Third Year Students’ Speaking Ability As Interviewee In Attending Job Interview At The English Department Of Bung Hatta University. E-Journal Bung Hatta. 10 (2): 2

World Federation of Tourist Guide Association. (2005). State of Tourist Guiding in the World: Area Report. 11th WFTGA Convention, Melbourne: Australia.

Refnita, L. (2018). Educational Research: A Guide For Beginners. Padang: LPMM Universitas Bung Hatta


