
  • Ulfa Khaira Maulida Aprilia Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Niniwati Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Listy Vermana Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Keywords: LKPD, Constructivism, Pythagoras Theorem.


The learning process which tends to present formulas and examples of questions makes students not interested in learning mathematics, so that students only read and memorize the existing formulas and do not require students to be more active in constructing their knowledge. The impact, the level of understanding of students towards the subject matter is not optimal. One effort that can be made to overcome this problem is to develop a Constructivism-based Student Worksheet (LKPD) in mathematics learning in junior high schools that is valid and practical. This type of research is development (Research and Development) using the Plomp research design. The Plomp development model consists of three development stages, namely: the initial investigation phase, the development phase and the prototyping phase and the assessment phase. In the initial investigation phase, needs analysis, curriculum analysis, and concept analysis related to problems in mathematics learning are carried out. In the development phase or making a prototype, a constructivism-based student worksheet is designed to optimize students' understanding by constructing it themselves. The development phase of the product validity assessment was obtained from a validity questionnaire from 2 lecturers and 1 mathematics teacher with the valid category of 77.31%, and the practicality assessment of the practicality questionnaire of students at the trial stage with the very practical category of 85.24%. Therefore, it can be concluded that the student worksheets are valid and practical. Valid because it has met the valid criteria in terms of content and construct. Practical because it is easy to use and understand. LKPD, Constructivism, Pythagoras Theorem.


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