An Analysis on the First Year Students’ Conversation Ability in Expressing and Responding to Congratulation at Senior High School 2 Harau Boarding School Lima Puluh Kota Regency


  • Ayulanda Fitri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ernati Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Khairul Harha Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Speaking is the way of people to express and communicate ideas to others orally. Speaking is one of the important skills that have to be mastered by students in learning English [1]. Speaking is one of the skills that should be mastered by students. By speaking the students can deliver their ideas, thought, and opinion. In learning Speaking skills, the students must concern the component of speaking skills, there are content, pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and fluency [2]. Conversation is an informal talk involving a small group of people or only two [3]. It means in conversation, it must be done by two people or more who become the speaker and listener. The students’ conversation skills especially the first year students at Senior High School 2 Harau Boading School in expressing and responding to congratulation still had problem. It was indicated by their ability in performance to pronounce the words and they still had limited vobabbulary. They need to be able to pronounce words correctly, and use appropriate vocabulary in order to speak fluently [4]. Based on the researcher’s observation on first-year students at Senior High School 2 Harau Boarding School Lima Puluh Kota Regency, the researcher found the students’ conversation ability in expressing and responding to congratulation was not satisfaction. Relating to this, the researcher conducted the study on the first-year students’ conversation ability in expressing and responding to congratulation at Senior High School 2 Harau Boarding School Lima Puluh Kota Regency. METHOD This research is a descriptive research because it describes the students’ abilityin expressing and responding to congratulation. Descriptive research involves collecting data to test hypotheses or to answer questions about the current status of the subject of the study [5]. The population of this research was first-year students at Senior High School 2 Harau Boarding School who registered in the academic year 2020/2021. The sample was 42 students taken by stratified cluster random sampling technique. The researcher used the conversation test to collect the data. To analysis the data, the researcher did the steps as follows: the researcher calculated each students’ score, the researcher counted the average score of two scores, the researcher classified the students’ ability by using the criteria of Senior High School 2 Harau Boading School Lima Puluh Kota Regency. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of the research showed that the students’ ability in expressing and responding to congratulation was excellent. It was supported by the fact that 41 students (98%) had excellent ability in expressing and responding to congratulation. The detail findings can be seen in the following table. Table 1. the First-Year Students’ Conversation Ability in Expressing and Responding to Congratulation at Senior High School 2 Harau Boarding School Lima Puluh Kota Regency. No Aspect Ability Percentage 1. Ability in expressing and responding to congratulation Excellent 98 % 2. Ability in expressing content Excellent 100% 3. Ability in Pronouncing words Excellent 100 % 4. Ability in Using grammar Excellent 98 % 5. Ability in using vocabulary Excellent 100 % 6. Ability in fluency Excellent 98 % CONCLUSSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings the researcher drew conclusion that the first-year conversation ability in expressing and responding to congratulation at Senior High School 2 Harau Boarding School Lima Puluh Kota Regency was excellent. Related to the conclution the researcher proposed some suggestions. The researcher suggests the teachers keep on improving students’ coversation ability. To the students, the researcher suggests them to maintain their ability in speaking skills, to the future researchers, the researcher suggests them to do the related research about expression of congratulations.


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