
  • Ori Arrido Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Khairul Harha Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ernati Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Writing is one of English skills that is also important to be mastered by students because in writing the students can express their ideas [1]. Writing is the process of expressing ideas, thinking or feeling in words on the piece of paper [2]. In the process of writing, the students need to have enough ideas, organize them well and express them in appropriate style. Adverb of time is often used in daily life, whether in spoken or written form. It is also studied in Grammar subject at a university. Therefore, the students need to have the ability to use adverb of time [3]. This research is aimed to find out the second year students’ ability to write simple sentences usingadverb of time at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. METHOD This research belongs to a descriptive research because it describes the current status of the research subject [4]. The population of this research was the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The number of sample was 36students taken by total sampling technique. The data were collected by using writing test.The researcher used this test because he wanted to know the ability of the second year students in writing simple sentences using adverb of time.To analyze the data, the researcher did the steps as follows:The researcher counted the average score of two scorers, and converted it into Bung Hatta University’s criteria. Then, he classified the students’ ability based on Bung Hatta University’s criteria, and counted the number of the students’ who had excellent, good, satisfactory, and bad ability, then he counted the percentage of the students whohad excellent, good, satisfactory, and bad ability. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of this research in general showed that the second year students’ ability to use adverb of time in simple sentences was categorized as excellent. It was supported by 29 students (80.56%) had excellent ability. In detail, 21 students (58.33%) had excellent ability to use adverb of time in simple present tense, 25 students (69.44%) had excellent ability to use adverb of time in simple past tense, 32 students (88.89%) had excellent ability to use adverb of time in simple future tense and 31 students (86.11%) had excellent ability to use adverb of time in present perfect tense. To make clear, it is shown in Table 1 below: Table 1 students’ ability in using adverb of time No Category Percentage Students’ Ability 1 Ability to use adverb of time in simple present tense 58.33% Excellent 2 Ability to use adverb of time in simple past tense 69.44% Excellent 3 Ability to use adverb of time in simple future tense 88.89% Excellent 4 Ability to use adverb of time in present perfect tense 86.11% Excellent CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the results of the data analysis, the researcher concluded that the second year students’ ability to use adverb of time in writing simple sentences at the English Department of Bung Hatta University was excellent. Related to the conclusion, the researcher proposed some suggestions. The students need to maintain and to increase their ability. The teachers need to give more opportunities and make new innovations in order to maintain and to increase the students’ ability. The next researcher is suggested to find out the problem of the students to use adverb of time in others types of sentences. THANK YOU NOTE The researcher would like to express his deepest gratitude and appreciation to advisors; Drs. Khairul, M.Sc. and Dra. Ernati, M.Pd. for spending their time in guiding and supporting the researcher for improvement of this thesis. Secondly, he also expresses his sincere appreciation to the supervisors, FitrinaHarmaini,S.S,M.A., Dra. Hj. Lisa Tavriyanti, M.Pd. and Dr. H. WelyaRoza, M.Pd. for their comments and suggestions in this thesis. He also thanks to his beloved parents, Darmawan, S.Pdi. andWismaYarni for their fully support, motivation, and prayer for him in writing this thesis, and my gratitude also goes to his beloved sister,Ori Orillah.


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