Development of a Science Learning Module Based on the Constructivism Approach for Class V SDN 09 Padang Ganting, Tanah Datar Regency


  • Munandar Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Sari Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Development, Learning Module, Science.


Science is a science related to nature, be it natural phenomena, the environment and living things, which contains a collection of knowledge in the form of facts, concepts, principles and discoveries with a scientific attitude. In general, the process of implementing science teaching and learning in schools has been interpreted more often by educators explaining material to students, and students listening passively. So that the material delivered by educators does not hit students and cannot last for a long time, therefore a new learning approach is needed that can foster students' ideas or ideas. In classroom learning, educators must think about what approaches are appropriate to the material to be taught. Educators can choose whether learning will be done together or done by dividing groups (discussion). In addition to the approach used, educators must also choose what teaching materials can be applied in the learning. In a school institution, the lack of teaching materials or modules used by educators in the teaching and learning process causes many students not to understand the subject matter so that learning is more educator-centered, this results in students being more noisy in class. The use of modules is an alternative for educators because the use of learning modules can maximize the ability of students to make it easier to understand learning material and educators do not need to use the lecture method. The researcher conducted development research with the title "Development of a Science Learning Module Based on a Constructivism Approach for Class V SDN 09 Padang Ganting, Tanah Datar Regency". This type of research is development research. The development research model used is the 4-D model, namely define, design, develop and disseminate. In this research, it only reached the develop stage due to energy, cost, time, thinking, and ability. The research instrument included a validation sheet and a practicality questionnaire. The science learning module is validated by 3 lecturers, and tested on 1 teacher and 9 students. The results showed that the development of the science learning module theme 3 "Healthy Food Sub-theme" Sub-theme 1 "How the Body Processes Food" Based on the constructivism approach for grade V SD students met the valid criteria with an average validity of 3 validators, namely 3.76. The module that has been developed is categorized as very practical by educators with a practicality of 94%, it is also categorized as very practical by students with a practicality of 88.65%. The average of practicality of educators and students is 91.32%. From these data it can be concluded that the science learning module theme 3 "healthy food" sub-theme 1 "How the Body Processes Food" based on the constructivism approach meets valid criteria and is very practical, so it can be used in learning in grade V SD.


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