Analysis of Intrinsic Motivation and Science Learning Achievement of Class V SDN 01 Bungoasang


  • Pratama Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Har Universitas Bung Hatta


Natural science (IPA) is generally understood as a science that is born and develops through the steps of observation, problem formulation, hypothesis formulation, through experiments, drawing conclusions, and finding theories and concepts, it can also be said that the essence of science is a science that is studying symptoms through a series of scientific processes and is composed of the three most important components in the form of concepts, principles, and theory that apply universally. In the learning process the teacher does not involve students in learning activities so that it causes students to tend to be passive by only listening to what is said by the teacher, and as a result students are less daring to ask questions, not active in expressing their opinions. These phenomena have an impact on student learning motivation which is still low, conceptually motivation is closely related to achievement or the acquisition of learning outcomes. In general, learning motivation can be grouped into 2 types, namely actressic and intrinsic motivation. However, researchers focus more on intrinsic learning motivation, based on problems. above, the goal to be achieved in this study is how big the relationship is "Analysis of Instinsic Motivation and Science Learning Achievement for Class V SDN 01 Bungoasang, Koto Tangah District, Padang City" This type of research is descriptive research. The population and sample of the research trial were students of Class Va and Vb SDN 01 Bungoasang, totaling 53 students. The data collection technique is a questionnaire or research questionnaire with a number of questions or written statements given to students to obtain answers about intrinsic learning motivation, while data analysis techniques are obtained from using the SPSS program. The validity test was carried out using item analysis, namely by correlating the score of each item with the total score which is the sum of each item score. If the correlation coefficient (rcount) of the score for each item with the total score is greater and equal to the rtabel value at the significance level (α = 0.05), then the instrument statement items are declared valid. Meanwhile, if the value of the correlation coefficient (r count), the score for each item with the total score is smaller than the rtable value at the significance level (α = 0.05), then the instrument statement items are declared invalid / invalid. Provided that, if the value is negative or smaller than r table, then the item number is invalid, and vice versa if the positive value is greater than r table, then the item number is valid. The results of this study showed that the overall validation average of students of class Va 27 people with a sufficient category of 68.36% and students of class Vb 26 people with a sufficient category of 75.47% were carried out online, causing student learning outcomes to be not optimal. From the results of this study it can be concluded how much the correlation between Instrinsic Motivation Analysis and Science Learning Achievement in Class V SDN 01 Bungoasang so that it can be used as a factor to encourage teacher and student motivation to improve learning outcomes.


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