INTRODUCTION English consists of four skills. They are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Speaking has played progressively critical part in moment or outside language setting as a implies of communication in lifestyle. Speaking is important for us because by speaking we can make real life communication situation with other [1]. In speaking class, teacher and student need interaction each other to improve speaking ability. The application like google meet can be used as media to support teaching and learning process because this application has an online conferencing service and friendly users. E-learning is the use of information and computer technologies to create learning experiences [2]. Students can learn anytime, anywhere, and developing new skill in the learning process. Google meet is one of the feature from google that can be used to work or to do teaching learning process from home, when there is social distancing to prevent the spread of Corona Virus [3]. Before Covid-19, the learning process is done by offline or directly in the classroom. Based on the research done by Afiah (2016), she was found that almost all of students are able to speak well after learning speaking using offline [4]. Also supported by Jovan (2017), he found that the first year students’ speaking ability at English Department were classified into having good ability in general [5]. As for as the researcher knows there is no research about students’ speaking ability using online (google meet) in English Department. Relating to this, the researcher conducted the study in the first year students’ speaking ability after learning using google meet at the English Department of FKIP, Bung Hatta University. METHOD This research belongs to descritive research. Descriptive research is research that involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or answer question concerning the current status of the subject of the study [6]. The population of this research was the first year students of the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The number of sample was 30 students taken by total sampling technique. The instrument used to collect the data was speaking test in which the students choose eight alternative topics. Then, the test was valid in terms of content because it had covered all materials that students had learnt. The reliability index of the test was 0.93 (very high correlation) which means that the test was reliable. The researcher used degree of coeficient of correlations based on Arikunto’s idea (2015) [7]. To collcet the data, the researcher sent the instruction in whatsapp group. Then, the researcher gave 8 alternative topics and the students were given 4-8 minutes to speak one by one and it was recorded. The researcher converted the score into Bung Hatta Universiti’s criteria, and the researcher classified the students’ ability who have excellent, good, moderate and bad ability. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of the research showed the students had excellent ability in speaking after learning using google meet at English Department. It was supported by the fact that 30 students (100%) had excellent ability in speaking. Specifically, 28 students (93,33%) had excellent ability in expressing idea (content) while speaking. Furthemore, 30 students (100%) had excellent ability in applying good pronunciation. Then, 30 students (100%) had excellent ability in applying appropriate vocabulary while speaking. Next, 14 students (46,67%) had good ability in applying correct grammar while speaking. Last, 27 students (90%) had good ability in applying good fluency while speaking. Those are described on the table below: The Tabel of All Findings No Aspects The Number of Students Ability Number Percentage 1 The students’ speaking ability after learning using google meet 30 students 100% Excellent 2 The students’ speaking ability in expressing idea (content) after learning using google meet 28 students 93,33% Excellent 3 The students’ speaking ability in applying good pronunciation after learning using google meet 30 students 100% Excellent 4 The students’ speaking ability in applying appropriate vocabulary after learning using google meet 30 students 100% Excellent 5 The students’ speaking ability in applying correct grammar after learning using google meet 14 students 46,67% Good 6 The students’ speaking ability in applying good fluency after learning using google meet 27 students 90% Good Based on the finding the students’ speaking ability in applying correct grammar and applying good fluency is not the best because the students still have mistakes in sentence construction especially in use tenses while speaking. It is supported by Sari’s research (2018) who found that some students have problem in using sentences while speaking [8]. Also in fluency some students make some repetition and have some hesitation, because they need to think of an idea, need to take a breath and also feel nervous. It is supported by Mairi, Sudirman, and friend’s research (2017) they found that some students reached the level of good fluency and some students had a higher level and lower level in speaking [9]. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the results of the data analysis, the researcher concluded that the first year students’ speaking ability after learning using google meet at the English Department of FKIP, Bung Hatta University is excellent because the majority of students (100%) are classified as having excellent ability. The first year students’ speaking ability in expressing idea (content) is excellent because the majority of students (93,33%) are classified as having excellent ability. The first year students’ speaking ability in applying good pronunciation is excellent because the majority of students (100%) are classified as having excellent ability. The fisrt year students’ speaking ability in applying appropriate vocabulary is excellent because the majority of students (100%) are classified as having excellent ability. The fisrt year students’ speaking ability in applying correct grammar is good because the majority of students (46,67%) are classified as having good ability. The first year students’ speaking ability in applying good fluency is good because the majority of students (90%) are classified as having good ability. Based on the conclusion above, the researcher gives some suggestions. The researcher suggest the lecturers to motivate students to keep students’ ability excellent by asking students practice speaking everyday. For the students, the researcher suggest the students to keep their ability excellent in speaking skill and they should improve their ability in the aspect of speaking such as grammar and fluency because their ability is still good. For the next researcher, the researcher suggest to find out the causes of the students’ speaking ability in grammar and fluency is good (not excellent). Keywords: speaking ability and google meetReferensi
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