INTRODUCTION In learning English, writing is one of the skills that we have to master. There are four skills in learning English, they are listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Writing is a uniquely individual undertaking and the same person may utilize dissimilar strategies to express himself or herself. Commonly, the writing process approach emphasizes that writing involves various stages which are fluid and overlapping. Writing can be classified into at least three types; they are sentence writing, paragraph writing, and essay writing. In Paragraph Writing class, one of the paragraphs that the students learned was narrative paragraph. Narration or narrative paragraphs tell a chain of events to create a story with a significant meaning. The story told in a narrative paragraph usually depicts an event from the writer’s life [1]. Narration is simply the telling of a story, either to entertain or to inform a reader [2]. The researcher found some previous-related research that related to this research. First, the study done by Sonanda (2018) related to the second year students’ problem in writing a narrative paragraph of English Department of Bung Hatta University. She found that the second year students had no problem in writing a narrative paragraph [3]. Second, the study done by Aulia (2017) related to error analysis of cohesive devices in writing narrative paragraph at the English Education Department at FKIP UMSU. She found that the students had problem in grammatical cohesion (reference and conjunction) in writing a narrative paragraph [4]. Third, the study done by Murthofi’ah (2019) related to grammatical errors in students’ narrative paragraph of the fourth semester students of English Department of IAIN Salatiga. She found that the students had problem in using past tense especially in the verb [5]. Based on those phenomena, the researcher was interested in investigating the second year students’ ability in writing a narrative paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. METHODS The researcher used descriptive method for this research. Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study [6]. The number of population of this research was 37 students. The researcher used total sampling technique in selecting the sample. The instrument used to collect the data was writing test in which the students had to write a narrative paragraph. Then, the test was valid in terms of content because it had covered all materials that students had learnt. The reliability index of the test was 0.997 which means that the test was reliable. To collect the data, the researcher administered the test by using a google form application in 60 minutes. Then, the researcher counted the raw score of each student. The researcher counted the number of students who had very high, high, moderate, and low ability. Finally, the researcher found the percentage of the students in each of ability level. The data were analyzed by using statistical formula as suggested by Arikunto (2015) [7]. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of the research showed that generally the students had high ability in writing a narrative paragraph. It was supported by the fact that 18 students (48.65%) had high ability in writing a narrative paragraph. Specifically, 36 students (97.30%) had very high ability to express the content of a narrative paragraph. Furthermore, 11 students (29.73%) had moderate ability to organize a narrative paragraph. Then, 15 students (40.54%) had very high ability to use vocabulary in writing a narrative paragraph. Next, 13 students (35.14%) had very high ability to apply grammar in writing a narrative paragraph. Last, 34 students (91.89%) had very high ability to apply mechanics in writing a narrative paragraph. Those are described below: The Table of All Findings No. Aspects The Number of Students Ability Number Percen tage 1 The students’ ability in writing a narrative paragraph 16 students 43.24% High 2 The students’ ability to express the content of a narrative paragraph 36 students 97.30% Very High 3 The students’ ability to organize a narrative paragraph 11 students 29.73% Moderate 4 The students’ ability to use vocabulary in writing a narrative paragraph 15 students 40.54% Very High 5 The students’ ability to apply grammar in writing a narrative paragraph 13 students 35.14% Very High 6 The students’ ability to apply mechanics in writing a narrative paragraph 34 students 91.89% Very High 1. The Second Year Students’ Ability in Writing a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University The results of data analysis show that 16 students (43.24%) had very high ability in writing a narrative paragraph, 18 students (48.65%) had high ability, 3 students (8.11%) had moderate ability, and 0 student (0%) had low ability. In line with this research, Sonanda (2018) also found that 23 students (100%) had no problem to write a narrative paragraph. 2. The Second Year Students’ Ability to Express the Content of a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University After calculating the scores of content, it was found that 36 students (97.30%) had very high ability to express the content of a narrative paragraph, 1 student (2.70) had high ability, 0 student (0%) had moderate ability, and 0 student (0%) had low ability. It was not in line with the study conducted by Oktawati (2020) which found that 28 students (100%) had a problem to develop their ideas in writing. Although the content was complete and relevant to the topic, the ideas were not easy to understand. Afterwards, the sentences were not well organized and the sequence was incomplete [8]. 3. The Second Year Students’ Ability to Organize a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University The second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University had moderate ability to organize a narrative paragraph. It is supported by the fact that 10 students (27.03%) had very high ability, 9 students (24.32%) had high ability, 11 students (29.73%) had moderate ability, and 7 students (18.92%) had low ability. These findings support a previous study conducted by Sonanda (2018), finding that 23 students (100%) had no problem to write a topic sentence and supporting sentences. But, 12 students (52.18%) had problem in writing a concluding sentence [3]. 4. The Second Year Students’ Ability to Use Vocabulary in Writing a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University The researcher found that the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University had very high ability to use vocabulary in writing a narrative paragraph. It is proved by the fact that 15 students (40.54%) had very high ability, 6 students (16.22%) had high ability, 5 students (13.51%) had moderate ability, and 11 students (29.73%) had low ability. This study was consistent with the study conducted by Yuliani (2018) that the first year students in the academic year 2017/2018 at English Department of Bung Hatta University were good at vocabulary mastery [9]. 5. The Second Year Students’ Ability to Apply Grammar in Writing a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University Based on the scoring criteria of grammar, it was found that 13 students (35.14%) had very high ability to apply grammar in writing a narrative paragraph. Furthermore, 5 students (13.51%) had high ability, 9 students (24.32%) had moderate ability, and 10 students (27.03%) had low ability. It is in line with the study conducted by Jayanti (2017), showing that the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University in the academic year 2016/2017 had good ability in using grammar. [10]. 6. The Second Year Students’ Ability to Apply Mechanics in Writing a Narrative Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University The results show that 34 students (91.89%) had very high ability to apply mechanics in writing a narrative paragraph. None of the students (0%) had high ability, 3 students (8.11%) had moderate ability, and 0 student (0%) had low ability. This finding is in contrast with the previous research finding found by Frestisia (2017). She found that 21 out of 31 students (59.67%) had difficulties in applying mechanics [11]. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the the findings, it can be concluded that the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University had high ability in writing a narrative paragraph. Related to the study, the researcher proposes some suggestions. The lecturers are suggested to maintain their styles in teaching learning process especially when explaining about writing a narrative paragraph. The students should maintain their ability in writing a narrative paragraph by doing more exercises and paying attention when the lecturer explains the material about a narrative paragraph. They also should improve their knowledge about writing a paragraph. The future researchers are suggested to study more about narrative paragraph, especially about the students’ problems in organizing the paragraph. Keywords: Ability ,Writing, Paragraph.Referensi
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Murthofi‟ah, A. (2019). An analysis of grammatical errors in students’ narrative paragraph of the fourth semester students of English Department of IAIN Salatiga in the academic year 2019/2020. Indonesian Journal of Islam and Muslim Societies.
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Oktawati, H. (2020). Students’ Writing Ability in Narrative Paragraph at Third Semester of English Education Program of STKIP YPM Academic Year 2020/2021. Inovish Journal, 5 (2).
Yuliani, R. (2018). The First Year Students’ Vocabulary Mastery in Education Topic at English Department of Bung Hatta University. (Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University.
Jayanti, I. D. (2017). An Analysis of the Second Year Students; Ability to Write a Descriptive Paragraph at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. (Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University.
Frestisia, S. (2017). An Analysis of the Second Year Students’ Difficulties in Writing Argumentative Paragraph at English Department of Bung Hatta University. (Unpublished Thesis). Padang: Bung Hatta University.