
  • Rahma Aulia Putri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Khairul Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION To master English, the students should study the four language skills, that is listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Among those four skills of English, speaking skill is the crucial part for non-native speakers in studying English. It is the most important skill because some important components should be mastered to be a fluent speaker in English, and those components consist of pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension which influence the quality of English [1]. To improve students’ skills in speaking, they should learn it in the fastest and easiest way. One of the strategies that can be used is to generate a habit of watching English learning programs broadcasted through YouTube channels since it is considered as one of the possible ways to improve their speaking skill. Habit is something that is not conducted drastically but is conducted slowly, repeatedly, and continuously [2]. YouTube is one of the platforms for internet users specifically who want to watch, upload or download videos. Watching English YouTube as a habit can direct students to learn speaking more often in an activity. Many studies show that the use of YouTube for learning is effective as a teaching tool. Albahlah (2019) in his research found that English language teachers have positive perceptions of using YouTube to develop speaking skills [3]. Lestari (2019) in her study used video blogs in YouTube as learning media to improve students’ speaking skills. The result showed that students’ perspective on the use of video blogs through YouTube to improve speaking skills is good [4]. The previous studies motivate and made the researcher interested to find the correlation between the two variables. In other words, she wanted to know whether or not there is a significant positive correlation between them by doing research entitled: “The Correlation between the Second Year Students’ Habit to Watch English YouTube Channel and their Speaking Skill at the English Department of Bung Hatta University”. METHOD The researcher used correlation research method. In this research, the researcher tried to find out the correlation between students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel and their speaking skill. Correlational studies measure the degree and nature of the relationship between two or more variables [5]. The number of population of this research was 30 students. The researcher used total sampling technique in selecting the sample. The instrument used to collect the data were questionnaire and speaking tests. The reliability index of the questionnaire was 0.82 and the reliability index of the speaking test was 0.72. Then the researcher correlated the data on students’ habit and their speaking skill by using the Pearson Product Moment formula. Finally, the researcher interpreted the coefficient correlation between students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel and their speaking skill. To find out whether there is a significant correlation or not, the researcher compared the value of rcalculated and rtable at the level of significance 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df = n-2). To test the hypotheses, a statistical analysis is used. Ho is accepted if the value of rcalculated is the same or lower than rtable. Otherwise, Ha is accepted if the value of rcalculated is higher than rtable. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS a. Students’ Habit to Watch English YouTube Channel: Based on the result of data analysis, the researcher found the highest score was 115 and the lowest score was 78. The mean was 97.2 and the standard deviation was 7.39. It was also found most students had a moderate habit to watch English YouTube channel. Table 1. The Classification of Students’ Habit to Watch English YouTube Channel Classification of Students’ Habit The Range of Score Number of Students Percentage High >104.59 5 16.67% Moderate 89.81 - 104.59 22 73.33% Low <89.81 3 10% Total 30 100% b. The Students’ Speaking Skill Based on the result of analysis data, it was found the highest score for students’ speaking was 24 and the lowest score was 22.5. The mean was 23.45 and the standard deviation was 0.49. It was also found most students had moderate skill in speaking for description. Table 2. The Classification of Students’ Speaking Skill Classification of Students’ Speaking Skills The Range of Score Number of Students Percentage High > 23.94 12 40% Moderate 22.96-23.94 17 56.67% Low < 22.96 1 3.33% Total 30 100% c. The Correlation between Students’ Habit to Watch English YouTube Channel and their Speaking Skill Based on the result of data analysis, the value of the coefficient correlation between students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel and their speaking skill was 0.74. It means that there is a positive correlation between students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel and their speaking skill at the second-year students of the English Department of Bung Hatta University. Correlations Students' Habit to Watch English YouTube Channel Students' Speaking Skill Students' Habit to Watch English YouTube Channel Pearson Correlation 1 .741** Sig. (2-tailed) <.001 N 30 30 Students' Speaking Skill Pearson Correlation .741** 1 Sig. (2-tailed) <.001 N 30 30 **. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed). rtable = df (n-2) (28) = 0.374 (High) rcounted>rtable, (.74 > 0.374) there is a significant correlation. It can be interpreted that students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel can influence their speaking skill. In other words, it can be stated that if the students’ have a good habit to watch English YouTube channel, their speaking skill are good too. It can also be interpreted that if the students’ have no good habit to watch English YouTube channel, their speaking skill are not good either. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the the findings, it can be concluded that the correlation between the second-year students’ habit to watch English YouTube channel and their speaking skill at the English department of Bung Hatta University was a significant positive correlation. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. Related to the study, the researcher proposes some suggestions. The lecturers are suggested to guide their students to develop their speaking skill by motivating them to watch English YouTube channel. The students are suggested to improve their good habit to watch English YouTube channel and more exercise to improve speaking skills especially speaking for description. The further researchers are suggested to do other related research dealing with other aspects and factors that influence speaking skills. Keywords: Correlation, Habit, YouTube, Speaking, Speaking For Description


