Analisis Faktor Kesulitan Yang Dialami Siswa Kelas XI IPA SMAN 14 Padang Dalam Pembelajaran Biologi Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19


  • Hafimuddin Al-Fajrin Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Lisa Deswati Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Difficulty Factors Experienced by Students, Biology Learning.


The purposes of this research is to analyze the factors of students' difficulty from SMA N 14 Padang. The sample of this research consists of 50 students of XI Science Class by using proportional random sampling method. This is a Descriptive quantitative research with data percentage by using the percentage from students answer. This research was conducted second semester academic year 2020/2021. The instruments used in this research is questionaire closed statement using likert scale and documentations. this research indicates that the average of internal factors which emerge the difficulty in learning Biology is 67,78% with high criteria. and fhisically factors 62,5%, psycology factor 70,68%, fatigue factor 70,16% and the average of external factor which emerge the difficulty in learning Biology is 81,90% with high criteria and the percentage of family factors 77, 5%, school factor is 85, 95%, society factor is 82,75%. So it can be concluded that the internal factors causes the difficulty for students in daring kearning is dominated by phycology factors namely 79,67%, where as , the external factor which causes the difficulty for studentsin daring learning is dominated by school factors; 85,45%.


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