The use of Liquid Organic Fertilizer (Poc) from Vegetable Waste Cauliflower On the Acceleration of the Nursery and Plant Growth Kale, Chili peppers, and Eggplant


  • Wibie Efendri Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Azrita Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

liquid organic fertilizer, the acceleration of the seedbed, plant height, number of leaves


This study aims to analyze the levels of NPK fertilizer organic liquid that is produced from waste vegetable cabbage and analyze the influence of the use of liquid organic fertilizer (POC) from vegetable waste cauliflower on the acceleration of the nursery and plant growth kale, peppers and eggplant. This research uses experimental method. The design used in this research is the CRD (completely Randomized Design) With 3 Treatments and 5 replications. The use of POC at a dose of 5 ml, and 500 ml of water each day is given on the treatment of kale, chilli and eggplant for 40 days of observation. The Data obtained were processed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and test Duncan's Multiple Range Test (DMRT). Analyze the data in this study using SPSS 16.0 95% confidence level. On the research of the observed variables is the acceleration of the nursery, plant height and number of leaves. kale is a plant which is the fastest grow compared to plants of chili and eggplant. Plant height the largest of which is located on the plant kale better in the beginning of the measurement and the final measurement that is equal consecutive 9,28±0,29 cm and 50,38±6,57 cm. The number of leaves is relatively the same in each treatment. The results showed that the parameters of the acceleration of the nursery and the number of leaves did not differ significantly to each treatment at the beginning of the observations, where P>0.05 and Fcount < Ftable. While the height of the different plants of each treatment at the beginning of the observations, where P<0.05 and Fcount > Ftable. Plant height and number of leaves at the end of the observation, the use of POC significant effect on all treatments (P<0.05) and Fcount > Ftable.


