Development of Problem Solving Biology Module accompanied by Concept Mapping in Coordination System Material Class XI IPA SMAN 1 Batusangkar


  • Afifah Osesli Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Lisa Deswati Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

module, problem solving, concept mapping, valid, practical


Development research aims to produce a biology module-based problem solving accompanied by concept mapping a valid and practical in the material coordinate system. The research was conducted in SMAN 1 Batusangkar with a population of 180 students of class XI IPA 1 min-5 max SMAN 1 Batusangkar registered in the second semester of 2020/2021, with a sample of 45 students. The sampling technique is random sampling is done randomly by a lottery system for the retrieval of 9 samples of each class. This research instrument uses a questionnaire validity and practicalities. Validator consists of 3 (three) lecturers, while the practicalities consists of one (1) person of teachers and 45 students of SMAN 1 Batusangkar. The results showed that the module developed is valid, namely (85,55%) with three aspects of assessment: feasibility of contents 90% (very valid), aspects of language 83,33% (valid), and aspects of the presentation of the 83,33% (valid) . Module that is produced is also very practical by the teacher (94,15%) with four aspects of assessment: the ease of use of 92.86% ( very practical), the benefits of 95% ( very practical), the attractiveness of 95% (very practical), and the learning time 93,75% (very practical) as well as practical by students (86,58%) with four aspects of assessment: the ease of use of 88% (practical), the benefits of 85% (practical), appeal 87,22% (practical), and the learning time 86,11% (practical). From the results of the research can be concluded that the biology module-based problem solving accompanied by concept mapping app developed valid and practical so that it can be used in the process of learning the material coordinate system.


