
  • Fitra Afrida Amna
  • . Gusnetti
  • . Syofiani


This research is motivated by some problems related to reading comprehension, among others: First, there are many students who are less able to understand a reading, so students find it difficult to distinguish between the main idea with an explanatory sentence. Second, students are often hesitant in preparing a few sentences into coherent paragraphs. Third, students difficult to determine the conclusion of the reading. Fourth, the students difficult to understand important information or main ideas in the passage. Fifth, the lack of reading comprehension skills of students in answering questions. This causes the students difficult to understand a reading. This study aims to identify and describe the reading comprehension ability of eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 26 Padang.Teori which is used to read the theory put forward by Agustina, Tarin, Mulyati and Wiryodijoyo. This research is quantitative research using descriptive methods. Based on the analysis that has been made known that reading comprehension eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 26 Padang classified in either classification. It can be seen from the arithmetic mean value (M) reading comprehension is 75.7 rounded to 76. Therefore, the answer to the research hypothesis, there is no reading comprehension eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 26 Padang was low. So that H1 is rejected Ho accepted. Reading comprehension eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 26 Padang classified in either classification. This demonstrated the ability of reading comprehension is at once a better classification with a percentage amounted to 1 3.2% mastery level, reading comprehension is at a good classification of 16 people with a percentage of 51.6% mastery, reading comprehension is more than adequate for the classification amounted to 14 percent of people with a mastery level of 45.2%.

Keywords: Reading Comprehension Ability


