Kumpulan Artikel Wisudawan S1 Program Studi PGSD Periode ke 75 Juni 2021


  • Nila Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Enjoni Enjoni Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

development, media, lectora inspire, tutorial model.


Natural Sciences discusses natural phenomena that are arranged systematically based on the results of experiments and observations made by humans. Natural science is something that is based on natural phenomena in which these natural phenomena form knowledge by starting with scientific attitudes and methods, from the activities of the scientific method to get knowledge that can be applied to mankind. In the process of learning science at SD N 45 Ganting, educators make more use of drawing media and blackboards. Educators do not create variations in the learning process so that students are more likely to feel bored during the learning process. Educators also do not use technology to create a more varied learning atmosphere. The researcher conducted a development research with the title "Development of Lectora Inspire Learning Media Based on Tutorial Models in Science Learning Class V Sub-theme 1 Ecosystem Components for SD N 45 Ganting, Pesisir Selatan Regency". The type of research conducted is Research and Development (R&D) research using a 4-D development model, namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. However, in this research, it only reached the Develop stage. The subjects of the Lectora Inspire learning media trial were fifth grade students of SD N 45 Ganting on the material of ecosystem components. The instrument in this study used a validity and practicality sheet. At the validation stage of the media that has been designed, it is continued with validation activities by a validator consisting of 3 lecturers from the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Bung Hatta University. And the practicality stage is carried out after the media is validated and feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the level of practicality of the learning media. Based on the results of research on the development of learning media Lectora inspire based on tutorial models with an overall validity average of 89.72% with a very valid category, while the average practicality by teachers obtained a percentage of 94.33 results in the very practical category and practical results by students obtained percentage of 94.71% with very practical category. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the learning media Lectora inspire based on this tutorial model is very valid and practical to use in science learning so that it can be used as one of the teaching materials in learning in class V SD N 45 Ganting, Pesisir Selatan Regency.


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