
  • Eldipama Kesambamula
  • M. Atar Semi
  • . Syofiani


This research based on the interest of the researcher in research on novel Tania Asye Saidra work, Tania novel is very prominent and interesting, in which the author gives a religious story that contains elements that can give a lesson and motivation for readers. So, this very good novel for readers in improving the quality of his faith in God Almighty. This study aims to assess the values of Islamic religious figures such as Aqeedah, Islamic, and morals contained in the novel Tania Asye Saidra work. This study is a qualitative study using descriptive data in the form of written words. This theory used in this study is Anwar Faudy’s opinion about the value of aqidah, syariah, and morals. The method used is descriptive method. The results of Islamic religious values contained within figures include the value of aqidah, syariah, and moral portrayed the main character of the behavior. Three of the components are born in the form of religious teaching experience is good, strong, true, and guided by the Qur’an and Sunnah. The application of aqidah depicted in the form of surrender and always remember Allah. Application of Islamic values expressed in the form of the praying and pleading for help to Allah Swt. Application of moral values depicted in the form of respect towards parents, making good behavior to all friends, and self-sacrificing. Based on the analysis of data, it can be concluded that religious values in the novel Tania Asye Saidra work described in the form of aqidah, syariah, and morals.

Keywords : Literature, Islamic religious values


