Development of Microsoft Power Point Learning EMedia Based on Local Wisdom in Indonesian Language Learning Class V SDN 13 Surau Gadang


  • WARISMAN Universitas Bung Hatta
  • hidayati Azkiya Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Development, E-Media, Microsoft Powerpoint, Local Wisdom


Learning is a combination of two activities of the learning and teaching process. Susanto (2013:18). Learning activities are usually carried out by students and teaching activities are carried out by teachers. Therefore, learning is an activity carried out by teachers and students, so that students become recipients and learn the material that is conveyed, while the teacher as someone who will deliver or explain a material.In the validation process, the LKPD was validated by 3 expert lecturers including 1 didactic and content expert, 1 linguist, and 1 display expert with an assessment percentage of 86.19% valid criteria. In the practicality stage, the LKPD was tested on 1 educator and 28 students with an assessment percentage of 92.05 very practical criteria. One of the lessons in elementary school is Indonesian. The purpose of learning Indonesian is so that students have knowledge and insight about the basics of the Indonesian language. In order to achieve the Indonesian language learning objectives, it is necessary to be supported by a conducive learning process because the lessons conducted by the teacher have a very large influence on the success of learning. The type of research used is development research or R&D. The research model used is the 4-D type, namely define, design, and development and disseminate, which is limited to the development (3D) stage. In the questionnaire validation process carried out by 3 expert lecturers, practicality tests were carried out by teachers and fifth grade students at SDN Surau Gadang Padang, and for the effectiveness test, it was the result of evaluation tests for fifth grade students at SDN Surau Gadang Padang. The results showed that the media produced was categorized as very valid by the validator with a percentage value (91.81%) seen from the material aspect (95.45%), media and display aspects (90%), and language aspects (90%). Media categorized as very practical by the teacher with a percentage (95%). And categorized as very practical by students with an average percentage (91.5%). The results of the study on the effectiveness test were categorized (100%). From the results of the study, it was concluded that the development of Microsoft Powerpoint learning media based on local wisdom in learning Indonesian for class V SDN 13 Surau Gadang Padang was very valid, very practical and effective so that it could be used in the learning process in class V SD.


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Susanto, Ahmad. 2013. Teori Belajar & Pembelajaran di Sekolah Dasar.

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