Development of Interactive Learning Media for Strengthening PreRequirement Material for Fpb Kpk Class IV SD Negeri 45 Ganting


  • KENEDY Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Rahmayuni Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Development, Interactive Media, FPB and KPK


Mathematics comes from the Latin mathematics which was originally taken from the Greek mathematike which means to study. The word mathematike is also related to the word mathein or mathenein which means learning or thinking. According to Steinmezt 1923 (in Wahyudin, 2019), states that Mathematics is the most certain science, and its conclusions make room for absolute evidence. But this is so only because mathematics does not attempt to draw absolute conclusions. All mathematical truths are relative and conditional. According to James and James 1979 (in Nur Rahmah, 2013: 3), stated that Mathematics is the science of logic, regarding form, arrangement, magnitude and concepts related to one another. In essence, mathematics is a symbol, and is deductive (from general to specific) and is a logical and systematic science. The purpose of mathematics is (1) to train thinking and reasoning in drawing conclusions, (2) to develop creative activities that involve imagination, (3) to develop the ability to convey information, (4) to learn about order, about organized structures, concepts and concepts. Mathematics is arranged hierarchically, structured and systematic, starting from the simplest concepts to the most complex concepts. In formulating the concept, there are several characteristics that must be studied in mathematics, namely: (1) abstract, (2) axiomatic, (3) deductive. The process of mathematical thinking is called axiomatic because basically the foundation of mathematical thinking is agreements called axioms. Mathematics is said to be deductive, because mathematics is presented axiomatically using deductive logic. Based on the PLP implementation that has been carried out by researchers at SD Negeri 45 Ganting, Lengayang District, Pesisir Selatan Regency for 3 months, starting from July 20, 2020 to October 17, 2020, information is obtained that the school has implemented the 2013 curriculum and the school also has an LCD projector. it's just that the use of interactive multimedia has not been implemented in learning SD Negeri 45 Ganting carries out face-to-face learning but only from 07.30 - 11.00 WIB SD N 45 Ganting applies health protocols such as washing hands before entering class, wearing masks, and providing hand sanitizers in each class. At the time of learning, the teacher starts learning activities as usual, such as praying, being absent, and so on. However, at the time of learning, the material was delivered or explained by the teacher in a short time assisted by the use of mathematics textbooks and worksheets. After finishing the lesson the teacher gave the students assignments to do at home and during the PLP implementation, several facts were obtained, including the first fact, the teacher still uses the lecture method and some material is delivered through the blackboard media. The second fact is that the teacher conveys material only from textbooks and Mathematics worksheets. The third fact is that there are no learning media, either in the form of pictures or other media, let alone the use of computer-based media applications. Another problem is that students do not understand the pre-requisites for FPB and KPK because teachers do not provide media in learning and students at SDN 45 Ganting have difficulty understanding the pre-requisites for KPK FPB. These facts were also strengthened by the researcher conducting a brief interview during the PLP implementation with the fourth grade homeroom teacher named Mr. Saharuddin who also said that in providing learning to students, especially the mathematics subject of KPK FPB material, teachers had not used interactive learning media, especially with the pandemic conditions. covid which makes learning often closed at any time, the teacher uses the Mathematics Package and LKS books. This can cause students to be unable to think logically, analytically, creatively, systematically, and unable to develop their potential and have an impact on student learning outcomes. The low student learning outcomes can be seen from the results of the Mid-Semester Examination (UTS) for the 2020/2021 school year. The research model used in this study is Research and Development (R&D). According to Trianto (in Saputri et al., 2015:4) states that the development of this model consists of 4 stages of development, namely define, design, develop, and desseminate, namely analysis, design, development, and dissemination. In this study, only the development stage will be carried out due to the limited ability, time and cost. In this study, the product developed was an interactive learning media for the FPB KPK material for class IV SD. This research on the development of interactive learning media was carried out at SD N 45 Ganting. The subjects of this research trial were the fourth grade students of SD N 45 Ganting, totaling 21 people consisting of 12 male students and 9 female students. Based on the results of research on the development of interactive learning media for KPK FPB material for grade IV students, it is stated that it is a very valid criterion with an overall validity of 88.5%, while the overall practicality average is 90.78% (very practical). Based on the results of the researchers, the interactive learning media for the KPK FPB material met the criteria of being very valid and very practical to use as a learning resource for learning mathematics for grade IV elementary school.


