
  • Hanifa Rahmah Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Khairudin Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

Perception of using GeoGebra, Student Interest, Linear Regression


This research was motivated by the difficulty of students understanding the subject matter of the common tangent of two circles, the learning interest of class VIII students which was marked by students being lazy and bored during the learning process. Then there is no use and role of learning media by teachers as supporting the success and achievement of mathematics learning objectives. The purpose of this study was to describe the relationship between students' perceptions of the use of GeoGebra on students' interest in learning in circle learning in class VIII. This research method is quantitative research with correlational research type. The research instruments were questionnaires and interviews with the research subjects of class VIII1 students, totaling 16 people. The research data shows that students' interest in learning is included in the strong category with the acquisition of indicators of feeling happy 75.39%, indicators of interest and attention both getting 76.56% and getting 75% involvement indicators. Then there is a positive and significant effect between the use of GeoGebra (X) on students' interest in learning (Y) which is linear, namely = 0.8166 + 0.7780x. This is indicated by the value of Fcount (0.01332) < Ftable (4.60) in the residual row and Fcount (-11.291287) < Ftable (4.78) in the matched tuna row. In the results of interviews with five students, it was found that the achievement of indicators of interest in learning, namely the indicators of understanding, feelings of pleasure, and interest.


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