"Development of Inquiry-Based Indonesian Learning Module on Pantun Material for Class V SD Negeri 02 Selagan Raya Bengkulu


  • SISI ADELLYA Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Romi Isnanda Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

module development, Indonesian language learning, inquiry approach


Indonesian is a language skill that is listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Language skills for humans are very necessary. The objectives of learning Indonesian in elementary schools are aimed at making students able to enjoy and utilize literary works to develop their personality, broaden their horizons of life, and improve their knowledge and language skills. One of the lessons in elementary school is the Indonesian language subject that uses the 2013 curriculum where the curriculum combines several lessons into one theme. The purpose of learning Indonesian at school is to practice language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. These four language skills are very important for students in everyday life. In elementary school these four abilities are important in the learning process and learning achievement, without these skills, the learning objectives will certainly not be achieved. The type of research carried out is Research and Development (R&D) research using a 4-D development model, namely Define, Design, Develop, and Disseminate. However, due to time constraints, this research only reached the Develop stage. The test subjects for the Indonesian Inquiri learning module were the 23 students of class V SD Negeri 02 Selagan Raya Bengkulu. At the module validation stage, it is carried out by 3 validators, namely material expert validators, linguists, design experts by providing questionnaires and modules, for the practicality stage it is carried out after validation by the validator and is feasible for testing to fifth grade elementary school students and providing questionnaires to students and teachers, the aim is to determine the level of practicality of the learning modules that have been made. For the effectiveness stage, it is tested with the aim of knowing the effectiveness of the learning module that has been designed. Based on the results of the research on the development of the Inquiri-based Indonesian learning module, the overall validity average was 3.4 with valid criteria for the average practicality by the teacher, an overall average of 82% was obtained with practical criteria and the average practicality by students was obtained by an average the overall average is 86.54% with very practical criteria, while the effectiveness is categorized as high 4.4. It can be concluded that the Indonesian language learning module with the Inquiry approach in class V SDN 02 Selagan Raya is valid, practical and effectively used as a source in learning Indonesian in class V SD N 02 Selagan Raya Bengkulu.


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