Kata Kunci:
Analysis, Concept Understanding, IntegersAbstrak
This research was based on the low understanding of students' concept on integer, many students prefered to play than study, students’ lack interest in and lack of concentration when teacher explained in class. This study aimed to explain the difficulty of understanding the concept of integers of students and to find out the factors that cause it. This research used qualitative methods with the type of research was descriptive research. The subjects of this study were 20 grade VIII students of SMPN 18 Padang. The data of this study was a set of test to find out students’ abilty in understanding the concept of integers which was taken from student daily test sheets and interviews. The ability of concept of integers in class VIII SMPN 18 Padang was divided into 3 group. Good, middle, and low level. Based on data, there was no student with a good ability, student in the middle group was 95 % and low group was 5%. The low achievement also caused by difficulties in understanding the concept of integers students did not understand the concept, did not understand arithmetic operations, did not mathematics learning, did not pay attention to the teacher on does, courageous learning obstacles due to reduced learning.Referensi
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