
  • Zuryani Mahadiza
  • Hasnul Fikri
  • Elvina A. Saibi


This study aimed to describe the form and usage of the word greetings kinship and nonkinship in Kenagarian Kambang Induk Kecamatan Lengayang Kabupaten Pesisir Selatan. The kind of this research is qualitative by using descriptive method. Techniques of data collection consist of observation, interviews, and recording. The data analysis starts form selecting and identifying the collected data, describing data, analyze the data that has been collected based on aspects that have been studied ,and make conclusions. The research data is sourced from the native of Nagari Kambang Induk consisting of less educated, moderate, and high educated with mobility as well as the ever migrated and settled. From the analysis of the data found that in general. The greeting relatively unaffected by the level of education and experience to wander in detail found. (1) the core of of the kinship greeting, that are for tha father can we replace to “apak, abak, ayah, apa, papa, abi”, and for the mother we can replace to “ayai, amai, mama, ibu, bunda, umi”, and for the brother we can replace to “uda, udo, uwo, da gadang, abang”, and for the sister we can replace to “unang, uni, kakak”, calling name, you, piak, ( daughter), yuang, ang, little name (son). (2) the greeting extended kinship, that are ayek, ayek aki, pak gaek, aki, atuk, kakek, ( father’s father), ayek usi, mak ayek, mak gaek (father’s mother), gaek mak gaek, uniang, nenek (mother’s mother), apak, pak uwo, pak tuo (father’s younger brother), pak anga, pak etek, om, (father’s older brother), uwan, aciak, angku, uncu, om, mamak ( mother’s brother), mak tuo, mintuo, etek, mak uwo (father’s sister), utia, mak uwo, ma kanga, mak etek, tante (mother’s sister), unang, uni, kakak ( older sister), uda, udo, uwo, abang (older brother), ang, yuang (younger brother), kau, piak, call name (younger sister), mando, sumando, uda, udo (older brother-in law), call name, ang (younger brother-in law), uni, unang (older sister-in law), call name, kau ( younger sister –in law). 3 ) the general greeting , the are pak , pak uwo, mak, etek, unang, uni, kakak, uda, uwo, abang, udo, kau, piak, ang, yuang, oi. Woi, call name, ( 4 ) religion  greeting , that are yek, ayek, imam, ayek aji, gayhim, buya, ustadz, katik, angku, datuak,  ( 5 ) the office greeting , that are palo, pak palo, kampuang, wali, pak wali, pak bupati, pak palo, sakolah, dotor, pak dotor, ( 6 ) the customary greeting , that are  rajo batuah, katik Batuah , Sutan mangkudun , natural jo , jo peso, jo Sutan,  Sampono Batuah , Sutan rajo Bukik , Bagindo sati , datuak jo lelo, rajo datuak dio , datuak sati , rajo datuak indo , datuak Gampo , datuak lelo , datuak tigo lareh , datuak Malintang bumi.


Key words: The khinsip greeting, the Nonkinship greeting


