
  • Muliyani Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ashabul Khari Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

SPP, Android, Elementary School


Improving the quality of Human Resources and the smooth process of school administration, especially the tuition payment system, which requires speed and accuracy so that services to the community, especially guardians of students and students themselves can be served professionally. SD IT Al-Kaustsar Muko-Muko is one element of education that is not only for teaching and learning activities or in trying to build a computerized tuition payment administration system. Some of the problems that often arise are SPP payment services. Manual recording causes sometimes human error to occur, because the recording is still done manually. This study aims to design an Android-based tuition payment system using the PHP, MSQL, Sumblime Tex, WebTwoApk programming languages. This type of research is a design by applying the Waterfall model, by carrying out several stages, namely analysis, design, coding, testing. The researcher was tested in two stages, namely the application validation test on the validator, and the valid test at SD IT Al-Khausar, using a validation questionnaire, the results of the trial showed that the design of the SPP payment information system was valid and practical to be applied to SD IT Al-Khausar. khausar. The results of the research that has been done, it can be concluded that an android-based SPP payment application has been produced. It is hoped that by using this SPP payment application, the SPP payment process will be easier and faster. The SPP payment application can be implemented on smartphones based on Android version 5.0 and above and can also run on personal computers (PCs) using an emulator. This tuition payment application is still in the form of a trial stage.


