
  • Nada Ashobah Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Ernati Ernati Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION In Indonesian educational system, the students are required to master four kinds of language skills, namely listening, speaking, reading, and writing. One of the skills that has important role in our daily life for communication with others is speaking. Speaking is one oral skills in exchange information. They easily get the information that they need. Speaking is a productive oral skill that consists of producing systematic verbal utterances in order to convey meaning [1]. The English students should learn and practice English to develop their speaking skills. In curriculum 2013, there is material named introducing themselves for the tenth grade students of Senior High School all over Sumatera Barat. It is one of the materials in speaking practice at Senior High School including Adabiah 2 Padang. Introduction is the action of people telling each other’s the identities when the people first meet [2]. It means that they give information about themselves to others. This material is very useful to build students’ competence and capability to share themselves. By introducing themselves, the students know about someone’s identity and also make friends with other people. The researcher found some previous-related theses from some researchers related to this research. The first research is a thesis written by Widiya Anugrah Putri who found that the first grade students’ speaking ability to speak in English was high [3]. The second research was done by Fani Septiani (2018). She found that the students’ speaking ability in introduction to others was fair category [4]. The third research was done by Tika Oktarina Nasution (2017). She found that the first grade students’ speaking ability at SMAN 12 Padang was low [5]. Based on related research above, the researcher would like to know students’ speaking ability in introducing themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang, because there is no previous research about it. METHOD This research is a descriptive research. Descriptive research involves collecting data in order to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of study [6]. The number of population is 258 students that are divided into eight classes. There are five classes of MIPA and three classes of IIS. In taking sample, the researcher used stratified cluster random sampling technique because the sample was taken from two major or strata MIPA and IIS. The sample members are 62 students, that consist of X MIPA 1 (36 students) and X IIS 2 (26 students). The instrument used to collect the data is speaking test especially in introducing themselves. The researcher used content validity to know the validity of the test. To make sure the realibility of the test, the researcher used inter-rater technique because it is subjective test. It means that there are two scorers gave score on students' speaking (scorer 1 and scorer 2). The coefficient correlation of two scores in speaking ability in introducing themselves is 0.90 (very high correlation) it means that the test is reliable. To collect the data, the researcher gave the instruction in Whatsapp. The researcher asked the students to introduce themselves in zoom. Then, the researcher recorded the students speaking. The researcher gave the recording, transcription, and criteria of scoring to the second scorer. Finally, The researcher classified the students’ ability based on the criteria at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang and researcher found the percentage of students who got high ability and low ability. To analyze the data, the researcher counted the total score for each student, then found out the average score. Then, the researcher converted the students score and classified the students’ ability based on KKM of Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang. The researcher found the percentage of students who got high ability and low ability. Finally, the researcher discussed the data analysis. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The result of this research shows that the tenth grade students’ speaking ability in introducing themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang is high. It is proved that 54 students (87.10%) classified as high ability. In specific, 49 students (79.03%) classified as high ability in content of introducing themselves. 33 students (53.23%) classified as low ability in using grammar of introducing themselves. Then, 62 students (100%) classified as high ability in using vocabulary of introducing themselves. 62 students (100%) are classified as high ability in pronouncing words of introducing themselves. Last, 61 students (98.38%) are classified as high ability in fluency of introducing themselves. These results finding can be seen on the following table: Table 1. The Table of All Findings No Aspect Ability Percentage 1. Speaking Ability in Introducing Themselves High 87.10% a. Ability in Expressing Content High 79.03% b. Ability in Using Grammar Low 53.23% c. Ability in Using Vocabulary High 100% d. Ability in Pronouncing words High 100% e. Ability in Fluency High 98.38% 1. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Introducing Themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang. Based on the finding, the student’s speaking ability in introducing themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang is high. It is found that 54 students (87.10%) have high speaking ability in introducing themselves. This result is supported by a research which was conducted by Putri (2019) that found that the first grade students’ speaking ability at SMAN 1 Bayang Pesisir Selatan is high ability especially in expressing intention. Therefore, this research result has similar findings with Putri’s research. 2. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Expressing Content of Introducing Themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang. From the finding, the students’ speaking ability in expressing content of introducing themselves is high (79.03%). It means that the students are able to speak well in introducing themselves by considering content that they delivered. Besides, it is not in line with a research conducted by Eli Hs (2015) that found the students’ speaking ability in self introduction is moderate especially in content [7]. Therefore, this result has different result from a research done by Eli Hs (2015). 3. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Using Grammar of Introducing Themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang Based on data analysis, the researcher found that the students’ speaking ability in using grammar of introducing themselves is low (53.23%), it means that most of students are still not able to use grammar when they are speaking in introducing themselves. It is not in line with a research conducted by Nasution (2017) that showed that the first grade students at SMAN 12 Padang are high ability in using grammar. However, this finding is also supported by Rifai (2019) who found that students have problems in grammar when they speak [8]. 4. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Using Vocabulary of Introducing Themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang. Based on the finding, the students’ speaking ability in using vocabulary of introducing themselves is high. In addition, it is line with a research which was conducted by Fitri (2021) that showed that the first year students at Senior High School 2 Harau Boarding Schoool Lima Puluh Kota Regency had excellent ability in using vocabulary [9]. It means that most of students understand how to choose suitable word in their sentence. It is also supported by Sedita (2005) who found that students’ word knowledge is linked strongly to academic success because students who have large vocabularies can understand new ideas and concepts more quickly than students who have limited vocabularies[10]. 5. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Pronouncing Words of Introducing Themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang Based on the finding, the students’ speaking ability in pronouncing words of introducing themselves is high. It means that most of students can pronounce the word correctly. However, there are some words that are not able to pronounce correctly and the students spoke exactly same like as it is written in Indonesian. It is supported by Muchlis (2021) who found that students have very good pronunciation in speaking English [11]. Otherwise, a previous research conducted by Oktaviana (2015) who found that the second year students’ speaking ability at SMAN 7 Padang is moderate in pronunciation. So this result is not supported by Oktaviana (2015) finding [12]. 6. The Students’ Speaking Ability in Fluency of Introducing Themselves at Senior High School Adabiah 2 Padang Based on the finding, the students’ speaking ability in fluency of introducing themselves is high (98.38%). It is not in line with a research conducted by Saputeri (2015) that showed that the first year students at SMAN 1 Sungai Limau had moderate ability in fluency [13]. Therefore, this result is not supported by Saputeri’s finding. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the results of the data analysis, the tenth grade students’ speaking ability in introducing themselves at Senior High School 2 Padang is high. Related to the conclusion, the researcher gives some suggestions. It is suggested to English teacher to enrich the students’ ability in introducing themselves by giving more practice and improve the students’ speaking ability in introducing themselves especially in grammar because they have low ability in grammar. For the students, the researcher suggests to have regular practice in introducing themselves in order that students’ ability in speaking is gradually improves. For the next researcher, the researcher suggests to find out the causes of low ability in grammar in introducing themselves. Keywords: analysis, speaking ability, introducing themselves.


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