
  • Aulia Srimariola Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Fitrina Harmaini Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION A presentation is a process to show and explain the content of a topic to an audience or group of audience. Presentation is an extension of oral communication skills where the presenter showed their knowledge on something special. Recently, the presentation is no longer just about the presentation of the verbal but also visual [1]. Presentation is one of the courses introduced to English majors in order to enhance the speaking ability. Therefore, oral presentation in speaking course is very important to enhance the students’ ability in communication. Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was found that self-confidence is required in the presentation [2]. Self-confidence as how you feel about yourself and your abilities. It tells you overall self-confidence level. Furthermore, the students who are able to communicate fluently and confidently, as a good impact of the high self-confidence that the students can increase their academic achievement in the speaking course because the criteria of the assessment on speaking skill is fulfilled by the students [3]. There are 4 aspects of self-confidence, they are; believe in own abilities, acting independently making decisions, positive sense, and dare to express the opinion. Believe in own abilities is the potential that a person has to achieve or can be interpreted as talent, creativity, intelligence, achievement, leadership, and others used to do something. Acting independently making decisions is done independently or without the involvement of others and able to believe the actions taken. Positive sense is can eventually grow so that people are confident and can appreciate others with all their shortcomings and advantages. Dare to express the opinion is an attitude to be able to express something in themselves that wants to be expressed to others without any compulsion or feeling that can inhibit the disclosure [4]. METHOD This type of research was descriptive research. In this research, the research tries to find an analysis of students’ self-cinfidence in presentation. Descriptive research involves collecting data to test hypotheses or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study [5]. The sample of this research was all the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University consisting of 37 students. Questionnaire was used as the instrument and to maintain the test validity it was modified from the test that was used by Lauster (2002). Test reliability was 0.57 (moderate) which means the test was reliable. To collect the data, the researcher administered the test by using a google form application in 20 minutes. Next, the researcher counted the raw score of each student. Then, the researcher categorized the students who had very high, high, moderate, low, very low self-confidence according to the criteria likert scale-used by Lauster. Finally, the researcher calculated the percentage of the students in each self-confidence level. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The results of the data analysis showed that students had moderate self-confidence. This was evidenced by the fact that 8 students (21,62%) had high self-confidence in presentation and 29 students (78,38%) had moderate self-confidence in presentation. We can see that the highest score was 85, and the lowest score was 65. The mean score of the students’ self-confidence was 74,62. With a moderate level of self-confidence, students could perform a very high skilled oral presentation. Language instructors were recommended to enhance building up their students self-confidence to develop their oral performance achievement. The data can be seen in graphic 1 Graphic 1 1. The Second Year Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Believe in Own The results of the data analysis showed that item number 1 the students got (91,35%) were classified very high. Item number 2 the students got (84,86%) were classified high. Item number 3 the students got (92,43%) were classified very high. Item number 4 the students got (50,27%) were classified very low. Item number 5 the students got (62,70%) were classified low. The percentage of the average score were (76,32%) classified moderate. To make it clear, see the table 1 below. Table 1. Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Believe in Own ITEM NUMBER Number of Speaking Students Selecting Each Choice Total Score max Percentage % Categories SA A U D SD 1 21 16 0 0 0 169 185 91,35% VeryHigh 2 9 28 0 0 0 157 185 84,86% High 3 23 14 0 0 0 171 185 92,43% Very High 4 1 2 14 18 2 93 185 50,27% VeryLow 5 5 5 18 8 1 116 185 62,70% Low X 141.2 76.32% Moderate From the finding students’ had moderate self-confidence in presentation in terms of believe in own abilities. Believe in ability is the attitude of a person about themselves understand truly what will it be done [6]. 2. The Second Year Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Acting Independently in Making Decisions The results of the data analysis showed that item number 6 the students got (81,62%) were classified high. Item number 7 the students got (76,76%) were classified moderate. Item number 8 the students got (52,97%) were classified very low. Item number 9 the students got (57,84%) were classified low. Item number 10 the students got (77,84%) were classified moderate. The percentage of the average score were (69,41%) classified moderate. To make it clear, see the table 2 below. Table 2. Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Acting Independently in Making Decisions ITEM NUMBER Number of Speaking Students Selecting Each Choice Total Score max Percentage % Categories SA A U D SD 6 6 28 3 0 0 151 185 81.62% High 7 4 27 2 4 0 142 185 76.76% Moderate 8 2 3 14 16 2 98 185 52.97% Very Low 9 2 7 15 11 2 107 185 57.84% Low 10 4 28 2 3 0 144 185 77.84% Moderate X 128.4 69.41% Moderate From the finding students’ had moderate self-confidence in presentation in terms of acting independently in making decisions. Take a decision against themselves which is carried out independently or without the involvement of other people and be able to believe the action taken [7]. 3. The Second Year Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Positive Feeling The results of the data analysis showed that item number 11 the students got (85,41%) were classified strongly high. Item number 12 the students got (83,24%) were classified high. Item number 13 the students got (55,14%) were classified low. Item number 14 the students got (81,62%) were classified high. Item number 15 the students got (61,62%) were classified low. The percentage of the average score were (73,41%) classified moderate. To make it clear, see the table 3 below. Table 3. Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Positive Feeling ITEM NUMBER Number of Speaking Students Selecting Each Choice Total Score max Percentage % Categories SA A U D SD 11 12 23 2 0 0 158 185 85.41% High 12 9 25 3 0 0 154 185 83.24% High 13 0 7 14 16 0 102 185 55.14% Low 14 9 22 6 0 0 151 185 81.62% High 15 3 5 21 8 0 114 185 61.62% Low X 135.8 73.41% Moderate From the finding students’ had moderate self-confidence in presentation in terms of positive feeling. Positive attitude is someone who is always looking good in the face of all things, hopes, and abilities. 4. The Second Year Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Dare to Express the Opinion The results of the data analysis showed that item number 16 the students got (84,86%) were classified high. Item number 17 the students got (79,46%) were classified moderate. Item number 18 the students got (80,00%) were classified high. Item number 19 the students got (84,86%) were classified high. Item number 20 the students got (67,57%) were classified moderate. The percentage of the average score were (79,35%) classified moderate. To make it clear, see the table 4 below. Table 4. Students’ Self-confidence in Presentation in Terms of Dare to Express the Opinion ITEM NUMBER Number of Speaking Students Selecting Each Choice Total Score max Percentage % Categories SA A U D SD 16 11 24 2 0 0 157 185 84.86% High 17 8 20 9 0 0 147 185 79.46% Moderate 18 8 23 4 2 0 148 185 80.00% High 19 14 20 1 2 0 157 185 84.86% High 20 2 17 13 3 2 125 185 67.57% Moderate X 146.8 79.35% Moderate From the finding students’ had moderate self-confidence in presentation in terms of dare to express the opinion. Individuals can speak in public without fear, less self-confidence to speak with reason and eloquent can have a conversation with the audience. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings, the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University were said to have moderate self-confidence in presentation. Based on the conclusions above, the researcher proposed some suggestions to the lecturers who teach the listening subjects are recommended to improve and strengthen students’ self-confidence by creating a supportive classroom environment that encourages students to speak up and participate in oral activities without feeling anxious. Next, the students are students in foreign language classes must pay attention to their self-confidence in learning to speak English. Because we already know that increasing self-confidence is able to facilitate language acquisition in theory and practice. And then, the future researcher is suggested to investigate how the students can have high of self-confidence. Keywords: analysis, presentation, self-confidence.


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