Improved Math Student Learning Outcomes VII Class D SMP I Payung Sekaki through Active Learning Strategies Matching Card Type index
Formulation of the problem in this study is whether to implement active learning strategies to match type of index card can improve learning outcomes math class VII D SMPN1 Payung Sekaki . The aims of the research is to improve student learning outcomes for active learning strategies applied to match the type of index cards .Based on the problems mentioned above , this study categorized as action research , action is given by applying active learning strategies to match type of index cards in the process of learning mathematics . The subjects were students of class VII D SMP 1Payung Sekaki academic year 20012/2013 , amounting to 22 people .Data collection tool used was a teacher observation sheet and chievement test . Based on the data of the students in the first cycle and second cycle there are an increase percentages , student learning outcomes from an average of 65 in the first cycle increased to 78.36 percent in the second cycle and the learning outcomes of 40.9 % in the first cycle increased to 72.72 % in the second cycle with variance at 23.99 down form the first cycle 9 , 13 in Cycle II . Concluded that learning Mathematics using Active Learning Strategies Matching the type of index cards can improve students' mathematics learning outcomes VII Class D
SMPN1 Payung Sekaki .
Keywords : Index Card Match, Result