
  • Muhammad Alfaridzi Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Lisa Tavriyanti Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION English is an international language. It has been used as a means of communication around the globe. It is used by nations around the world for different purposes, for example, business, technology and science, international relations. In learning English, there are four major skills. They are listening, speaking, reading, and writing[1]. Writing is a very important capability of being owned by students, and it is also an excellent communication tool. Writing is a skill that almost all people do to communicate, but the second-year students assumed that they have difficulties writing compound sentences using coordinating. Although, they have already studied the subject, they still have difficulties such as constructing an idea, selecting appropriate conjunction, applying correct mechanics, and so on. A compound sentence is the subject of a combination of two simple sentences using conjunction[2]. The researcher took two previous kinds of research related to this study. First, the research was done by Wulandari, S. (2015). It aimed to describe the students' ability in writing compound sentences using coordinating conjunctions in the English Department of Bung Hatta University. Based on the result, the students did not understand the meaning of conjunctions in writing compound sentences[3]. Second, the research was done by Sari, S. (2014) who conducted the research about the first-year students’ difficulties in writing a compound sentence that uses degrees of comparison. The result of her research showed that the first-year students had no difficulties in writing compound sentences that used degrees of comparison the English Department of Bung Hatta University[4]. Based on the description above, the researcher is interested in conducting a research entitled "An Analysis of the Second Year Students' Ability in Writing Compound Sentences with the Coordinating Conjunctions Through Google Classroom at English Language Study Program of Bung Hatta University. METHOD The researcher used a descriptive method for this research which is to describe or to tell the way things are[5]. The population of this research was the second-year students at English Language Study Program in Bung Hatta University that consisted of 33 students. The instrument used to collect the data was writing test in the form of writing compound sentences using coordinating conjunction. Then the test was valid in terms of content because it had covered all materials that students had learnt. The reliability index of the test was 0.99 which means that the test was reliable. The data were collected by using Google Classroom application in 45 minutes. Then the researcher counted the raw score of each student. The researcher counted the number of students who had very high, high, moderate, and low ability. Finally, the researcher found the percentage of the students in each of writing ability level. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION To find out the research findings, the researcher counted the students’ score in general. After converting the score, it was found that 7 students (21.21%) had very high ability, 11 students (33.30%) had high ability, 9 students (27%) had moderate ability, and 6 students (18%) had low ability in in writing compound sentences with the coordinating conjunctions through Google Classroom at English Language Study Program of Bung Hatta University. See the chart below. 1. The Second-Year Students' Ability in Writing Compound Sentences with The Coordinating Conjunctions Using for Through Google Classroom After converting the score, it was found that 4 students (42.22%) had very high ability, 8 students (24.24%) had high ability, 4 students (12.12%) had moderate ability and, 7 students (21.21%) had low ability in writing coordinating conjunctions for. It was not in line with the research conducted by Wulandari (2017) who found that 22 students (70.97%) were classified as a moderate ability. So, these two studies had different findings. See the chart below. 2. The Second-Year Students' Ability in Writing Compound Sentences with The Coordinating Conjunctions Using and Through Google Classroom After converting the score, it was found that 9 student (27.27%) had very high ability, 13 students (39.39%) had high ability, 7 students (21%) had moderate ability and, 4 students (12%) had low ability in writing coordinating conjunctions and. It was not in line with the research conducted by Wulandari (2017) who found that 22 students (70.97%) were classified as a moderate ability. So, these two studies had different findings. See the chart below. 3. The Second-Year Students' Ability in Writing Compound Sentences with The Coordinating Conjunctions Using but Through Google Classroom After converting the score, it was found that 15 students (45.45%) had very high ability, 9 students (27.27%) had high ability, 6 students (18.18%) had moderate ability and, 3 students (9.9%) had low ability in writing coordinating conjunctions but. It was not in line with a study conducted by Wulandari (2017) who found that 23 students (74.19%) were classified as a moderate ability. So, the research above has different finding. See the chart below. 4. The Second-Year Students' Ability in Writing Compound Sentences with The Coordinating Conjunctions Using or Through Google Classroom After converting the score, it was found that 2 student (6.06%) had very high ability, 7 students (21.21%) had high ability, 10 students (30%) had moderate ability and, 14 students (42%) had low ability in writing coordinating conjunctions or. It was not in line with a with a study conducted by Wulandari (2017), that 17 students were classified into moderate ability So, these research above have different finding. See the char below. 5. The Second-Year Students' Ability in Writing Compound Sentences with The Coordinating Conjunctions Using so Through Google Classroom After converting the score, it was found that 12 students (36.36%) had very high ability, 7 students (21.21%) had high ability, 6 students (18%) had moderate ability and, 8 students (24%) had low ability in writing coordinating conjunctions so. It was not in line a with a study conducted by Wulandari (2017). The academic year 2014/2015 students that were 18 students (58.07%) were classified into moderate ability. So, from these two studies were found different findings. See the chart below. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION In line with the results of findings above, it can be concluded that the second year students’ ability in writing compound sentences using coordinating conjunction after learning through Google classroom at the English Language Study Program at Bung Hatta University had high ability. Related to the study, the researcher proposes some suggestions. It is suggested to the lecturers to give motivation to maintain the students ability in writing compound sentences with the coordinating conjunction and give more exercises in other forms. The students are suggested to maintain their ability in writing compound sentences with the coordinating conjunction and do exercises in other forms such TOEFL test on structure section, so they can avoid similar problems when writing compound sentences in future. Keywords: Writing, Compound Sentene, Coordinating Conjunctions.


Heaton, JB. 1975. Writing English Language Tests. London. Longman.

Sharples, M. 1999. How to Write; Writing as Creative Design. London. Routledge.

Wulandari. 2015. An Analysis of the Third Year Students’ Ability in Writing Compound Sentences Using Coordinating Conjunctions at English Department of Bung Hatta University. Unpublished Thesis. Padang: Bung Hatta University.

Sari. S. (2015). An Analysis of The First Year Students’ Difficulties in Writing a Compound Sentence That Uses Degrees of Comparison at English Department of Bung Hatta University. Semantic Scholar.

Refnita, L. (2018). Educational Research: A Guide for Beginners. Padang: LPPM Universitas Bung


