
  • Rahmalia Rahmalia Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Fitrina Harmaini Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION Writing is one of skill to learn in English. Writing is the mental of work of inventing ideas, thinking about how to express them, and organizing them into statements and paragraphs that will be clear to a reader[1]. They also learn to use appropriate choice of words and learn how to combine words in order to produce meaningful sentences, phrases, or text[2]. Writing can be categorized into three types: writing sentence, writing paragraph, and writing essay. Writing sentence is a complex process that allows writers to explore thought and ideas, and make them visible and concrete. Writing encourages thinking and learning. It motivates communication and makes thought avaiable for reflection when thought is written down, ideas can be examnied, reconsidered, added to,rearranged, and changed[3]. A verb is the word or words that describe the action or state of being of the subject of a sentence or clause[4]. Collocation are words that are located together. Collocation is the way that some words occur regulary whenever another word is used[5]. METHOD The design of this research was descriptive qualitative research. Population is geographic generalization[6]. Sampling is a prosess of selecting a number of individuals for a study in such a way that the individuals represent the larger group which they were selected[7]. The population would be of the third year students of English Department of Faculty of Teacher and Training of Bung Hatta University. The researcher would use total sampling technique to select the sample. Total sampling technique is a technique by choosing all the members from population. The sample of this research was 31 students. FINDINGS AND DISCUSS 1. The students bility to write simple sentences “do” by using collocation. Base on the result of the data anallysis, the reseacher found that the students ability to write simple sentences by using ver collocation “do” was low, we can see the highest 3 (9,67%) had very good and the lowest score was 28 (90%). To make clear, the findings were shown in the table 4.1 below: Score Criterion Number of Students Percentage (%) 80-100 Very Good 3 9,67% 65-79 Good 0 0 55-64 Moderate 0 0 ≤ 54 Low 28 90% Total 31students 100 % 2. the students bility to write simple sentences “make” by using collocation Based on the criteria in previous chapter, it was found that 3 very good ability, 28 students had low ability. The percentage of students for each category was shown in table 4.2. Table 4.2 The Classification of Students’Ability in writing simple sentence by using verb collocation “make”. Score Criterion Number of Students Percentage (%) 80-100 Very Good 3 9,67% 65-79 Good 0 0 55-64 Moderate 0 0 ≤ 54 Low 28 90% Total 31 students 100 % 3. Based on the data analysis, it was found that 3 (9,67%) students very good ability,28 (90%) had low ability. Score Criterion Number of Students Percentage (%) 80-100 Very Good 3 9,67% 65-79 Good 0 0 55-64 Moderate 0 0 ≤ 54 Low 28 90% Total 31 students 100 % Base on discussion, 9,67% students very good ability in ability to use verb collocation in writing simple sentence. However, she stated that some students still had problem in ability to use verb collocation in write simple sentence. Based on the data analysis, the researcher found that the students had low ability to write simple sentence it was supported by the fact that 90% students had low ability to write them. Based on the criteria in the previous chapter, the students were categorized into having had low ability if they used incorrect grammar, expressed incorrect verb collocation, and used incorrect punctuation. CONCLUSION DAN SUGGESTION Base on the conclusion, the third year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University were said had low ability. Based on the conclusions above the researcher would like to give some suggestions, that can be proposed to students and the other researcher: For students, they still need to be aware of using collocations because they just cannot combine word freely for words have their own natural combination. For the other researcher, this study only loocked for the use lexical collocation, verb + noun and adjective + noun collocations. Type beyond these two kinds of collocation and grammatical collocation need to be identified, we can have a clearer and complete picture of the use of collocation. Keywords: analysis, writing, collocation.


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