
  • Dewinta Zuhari Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Adzanil Prima Septy Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION English is one of the languages that must be known. As an international language, English is very important and has many interrelationships with various aspects of life owned by human beings. In English, the students should study the four language skills, that is listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. Listening and reading are known as “receptive” skills whereas speaking and writing are known as “productive” skils. The receptive and productive skills, they have a combination of four skills–listening, reading, speaking, and writing abilities [1]. Writing skills are an important part when you want to communicate or write to make a report, journal, article, etc. Writing skill is important, it does not get sufficient consideration and appropriate time assignment within the instructing and learning process [2]. Writing has several components that must be understood, one of which is grammar. Besides that, when students have the skill to write, they should have to be considered such us; grammar as a complement in writing skills. Grammar and writing are language components and skills that should be learned by language learners. In fact, grammar is important for students in writing in English. Grammar rules are very important for mastering a language [3]. Grammar has 16 tenses in English. One of them is simple past tense. Simple past tense is an activity or action carried out by a subject within the past [4]. However, writing skills will be accompanied by grammar. Without grammar, writing skills will not be perfect because grammar is one of the part of writing that is important to make a sentence correctly. Especially when rewriting short narrative text after watching movies, grammar is indispensable in writing. Movie is a collection of moving pictures that tells a story and is seen on a screen or television by individuals. Movie is cinema or moving images, is a series of images projected on a screen in order to create illusion (description) of motion of the living [5]. Movie is divided into two parts, there are long movie and short movie. In this research, researcher uses short movie. Short movie is a movie that has a running time of 10 – 15 minutes. Short movie is one of motion pictures that can be used for teaching [6]. Gufron (2019) in his study used a narrative movie to rewriting story. In his study has a positive and significant correlation between rewriting story ability on short movie and writing ability in narrative text [7]. The previous studies motivate and made the researcher interested to find the correlation between the second-year students’ grammar mastery (simple past tense) and their skill in rewriting short narrative text after watching movies. In other words, she wanted to know whether or not there is a significant positive correlation between them by doing research entitled: “The Correlation Between The Second Year Students’ Grammar Mastery (Simple Past Tense) and Their Skill in Rewriting Short Narrative Text after Watching Movies at The English Department of Bung Hatta University ''. METHOD This research used correlation research. In this research, the researcher tried to find out the degree of relationship between students' grammar mastery (simple past tense) and their skill in rewriting short narrative text after watching movies of the second year students at English Department of Bung Hatta University. Correlation research involves collecting data in order to determine whether a relationship exists between two or more quantifiable variables and to what degree it is [8]. The number of population of this research was 37 students. Then, the number of sample of this research was 30 students. The researcher used total sampling technique in selecting the sample. The instrument used to collect the data were grammar test and writing test. Then the researcher correlated the data on students’ grammar mastery and their writing skill by using the Pearson Product Moment formula. Finally, the researcher interpreted the coefficient correlation between students’ grammar mastery (simple past tense) and their skill in rewriting short narrative text after watching movies. To find out whether there is a significant correlation or not, the researcher compared the value of rcalculated and rtable at the level of significance 0.05 and the degree of freedom (df = n-2). To test the hypotheses, a statistical analysis is used. Ho is accepted if the value of rcalculated is the same or lower than rtable. Otherwise, Ha is accepted if the value of rcalculated is higher than rtable. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS a. The Students’ Grammar Mastery (Simple Past Tense) Based on the result of data analysis, the researcher found the highest score was 35 and the lowest score was 27). The mean was 30.8 and the standard deviation was 2.00. After calculating mean and standard deviation, the researcher classified the students’ grammar mastery (simple past tense) into high, moderate and low as showed in table 4.1. Table 4.1 The Classification of Students’ Grammar Mastery (Simple Past Tense) The Classification os Students’ Grammar Mastery (Simple Past Tense) The Range of Score Number of Students Percentage High > 32.8 7 23.33 % Moderate 28.8 – 32.8 21 70% Low < 28.8 2 6.67% Total 30 100% b. The Students’ Skill in Rewriting Short Narrative Text after Watching Movies Based on the result of analysis data, it was found the highest score for students skill in rewriting short narrative text after watching movies was 85 and the lowest score was 43. The mean was 75.07 and the standard deviation was 7.17). It was also found most students has moderate skill rewriting short narrative text after watching movies as shown in table 4.2. Table 4.2 The Classification of Students’ Skill in Rewriting Short Narrative Text after Watching Movies The Classification os Students’ skill in Rewriting Short Narrative Text after Watching Movies The Range of Score Number of Students Perncentage High > 82.24 4 13.33 % Moderate 67.9 – 82.24 23 76.67% Low < 67.9 3 10% Total 30 100% c. The Correlation Between Students’ Grammar Mastery ( Simple Past Tense ) and Their Skill in Rewriting Short Narrative Text after Watching Movies Based on the result of data analysis, the researcher found that the value of the coefficient correlation between students’ grammar mastery (simple past tense) and their skill in rewriting short narrative text after watching movies was 0.61. It means that there is a positive correlation between students’ grammar mastery (simple past tense) and their in rewriting short narrative text after watching movies at the second year students at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. r table = df (n-2) (30-2) (28) = 0.374 r counted > r table ( 0.61 > 0.374) there is a significant correlation It can be stated if the students get low in ability in grammar mastery (simple past tense), they will difficult to rewriting short narrative text after watching movies, and vice versa if the they have a good ability in grammar mastery (simple past tense), they will easier to rewriting short narrative text after watching movies. CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the the findings, it can be concluded that the correlation between the second-year students’ grammar mastery and their skill in rewriting short narrative text after watching movies at the English department of Bung Hatta University was a significant positive correlation. The alternative hypothesis (Ha) was accepted. The English lecturers are suggested to guide their students to develop their grammar and their writing skill by motivating them to watch some short movie. The students are suggested to improve their grammar and do more exercise to improve their writing skills especially for writing a narrative text. The researcher suggested to the further researchers to do other related research dealing with other aspects and factors that influence writing skills. Keywords: correlation, grammar mastery, simple past tense, writing, narrative text, watching movie


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