Application Design By Using Augmented Reality Technology As a Geometry Learning Media For Students Grade V SDN 05 Sawahan


  • Mahdiansyah. Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Amrina Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

learning media, augmented reality, waterfall process model


Mathematics subjects, especially geometry, are one of the subjects that are difficult for students to understand. The results of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2000/2001 survey show that students in Indonesia are weak in geometry, especially in understanding space and shape, according to Untung (in Cahyaningrum, 2015:5). Therefore, the mathematics subject matter of geometry requires learning media that is integrated, more dynamic, can be accessed anywhere and anytime independently and can display the visualization of geometric objects in a concrete way. One of the learning media that can be used as a solution is learning media with Augmented Reality. Azuma (in Aripin, 2019:48) states that augmented reality technology is a visual technology that combines virtual world objects into the real world display in real time. By utilizing Augmented Reality (AR) technology and android smartphones, geometric objects can be visualized concretely through three-dimensional virtual modeling that is similar to the real object right on top of the material. Starting from the background that has been described, the authors are compelled to create an Augmented Reality (AR)-based application with the research title "Application Design By Using Augmented Reality Technology As a Geometry Learning Media For Students Grade V SDN 05 Sawahan ". Research and development of applications using research methods Design and products developed using the waterfall process model. The waterfall software development model has four stages (Pressman, 2010:15), namely communication, planning, modeling, construction, and deployment. However, in this study, it only reached the construction stage. The purpose of this study is to design an augmented reality-based application and determine the level of validity of the application developed in terms of functional suitability by using a test case. Based on the results of the research on Augmented Reality-Based Application Design as a Geometry learning media with the results of validity testing by expert lecturers through functional suitability testing using a test case, it was stated that it was very good from the functional suitability aspect with a maximum score of 100%. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Augmented Reality-Based Application as a Geometry learning media is very valid. Judging from the results of the functional suitability test through a test case that gets a maximum score of 100% with the criteria of "very good" so that it can be used as a Geometry learning media in class V SDN 05 Sawahan..


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