Development of Realistic Mathematical Education (RME)-Based Mathematics Learning Module in Class III SDN 27 Pangka Tanjung


  • Zulvia Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Alyusfitri Universitas Bung Hatta

Kata Kunci:

R&D, Module, Realistic Mathematical Education, Mathematics


Mathematics learning is a teaching and learning process built by teachers to develop students' creative thinking that can improve students' thinking skills, and can increase the ability to construct new knowledge as an effort to improve good mastery of mathematical material. This learning learning process is called learning. Learning is a process of interaction between two human elements, namely students as learning parties and teachers as teaching parties, with students as the main subject. Learning by using the module can attract students' learning interest, because in this module there are colors and images that vary, especially if this module is related to the student environment, this can support the characteristics of students, namely being curious about something new, where in this module students are introduced to materials related to their living environment, this module is also equipped with instructions that use the teacher's language so that students who use this learning module can study independently without having to be guided by the teacher. This study was designed using the Research and Development (R&D) method using a 4D development model, namely Define, Design, Development and Disseminate. However, in this research, it only reached the Develop stage. The test subjects of this learning module were third grade students of SDN 27 Pangka Tanjung. The instrument in this study used a validity and practicality sheet. At the validation stage, the module that has been designed is continued with validation activities by a validator consisting of 3 expert lecturers, namely material experts, linguists, and design experts. The practicality stage is carried out after the module has been validated and is feasible to be tested with the aim of knowing the level of practicality of the learning module. Based on the results of research on the development of Mathematics learning modules based on Realistic Mathematical Education (RME) with an overall validity average of 90.95% in the very valid category, while the average practicality by the teacher as a whole is 85.83% in the practical category and obtains practical results. by students with an overall average of 93.52% with a very practical category. From the results of the study, it can be concluded that the Mathematics Learning Module Based on Realistic Mathematical Education (RME) is practical and very practical to use in learning Mathematics so that it can be used as one of the teaching materials in learning in class III SDN 27 Pangka Tanjung.


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