This research was stimulated by the background of using the effective sentences in the argumentative work of the students at class X of SMAN 9 Padang was reviewed from (1) the unity of ideas, (2) mixing of elements, (3) parallel-form of the sentence, (4) assertiveness of the meaning, (5) efficiency of using words and (6) logic words. This research used theory of Lamuddin Finoza. The type of this research was qualitative by using descriptive method. This research aimed to describe the use of effective sentence in the argumentative work of the students at class X of SMAN 9 Padang. The object of this research was the students of class X SMAN 9 Padang totally 29 people. Based on the result of research and data analysis toward the argumentation work that was written by of class X SMAN 9 Padang, thus, it can be concluded as follows: (1) the use of effective sentences was review from the unity of ideas came into the lower category (5,18%), (2) the use of effective sentences was reviewed from the mixing of elements came into the lower category (10,34%), (3) the use of effective sentences was reviewed from parallel-form of the sentence came into the lower category (6,9%), (4) the use of effective sentences was reviewed from the assertiveness of the meaning was lesser (24,13%), (5) the use of effective sentences was reviewed from the words’ efficiency came into the less category (46,55%) (6) the use of effective sentences was reviewed from the use of logic word came into the lower category (6,9%), thus the entire of using the effective sentence in a argumentative writing of students at class X of SMAN 9 Padang had a good category (78,1%).
Key words: effective sentences, argumentative work