“Rancang bangun Running Text Berbasis Arduino Sebagai Media Informasi Pada Prodi PTIK Universitas Bung Hatta”
RANCANG BANGUN RUNNING TEXT BERBASIS ARDUINO SEBAGAI MEDIA INFORMASI PADA PRODI PTIK UNIVERSITAS BUNG HATTA Muhammad Sabil¹, Rini Widyastuti¹ 1Informatics and Computer Engineering Education Study Program Faculty of Teacher Training and Education Bung Hatta University Email : msabil82@gmail.com ABSTRACT This study discusses the design of Arduino-based running text as a medium of information in the PTIK Study Program, Bung Hatta University. The purpose of this research is to produce a complete running text board such as using time and information display in the PTIK Study Program that uses a connection via Bluetooth with an Android device that is interfaced via Bluetooth based on Arduino. This type of research is a waterfall design model using 5 phases, including requirements analysis, design, coding, testing, and implementation. The designs used are context diagrams, flowcharts, input designs, and output designs, with the design coding used being c+ language coding. The data in this study were collected through observation, literature study, and literature study. The results of this study are based on testing tools and systems as a whole, so that an Arduino-based running text design is obtained as a medium of information at the Bung Hatta University PTIK Study Program and is realized with satisfactory results, to display information in the form of running text and digital clocks, all of which can be installed in the system. Update with Bluetooth and wifi. Testing the Bluetooth or wifi connection on the system response, it is found that the connection will be connected if the distance of sending running text update data ranges from 1 meter to 15 meters with a Bluetooth response time on the device sent via Bluetooth on an Android smartphone, which is 1 second when updating data running text, which means that the response time received by Bluetooth on the device is responded to in real-time. However, this running text still has weaknesses, among others, it has 5 watts of electrical power, the running text must be connected to an electric current and if the electricity is cut off, the running text and clock must be re-setting and also the clock setting is set in the Arduino application on PC, while the running text setting is set in the serial Bluetooth application on android, and the Arduino Uno microcontroller running text cannot display long text. Keywords: Running text, Arduino, BluetoothReferensi
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