
  • Nadia Mayang Sari Universitas Bung Hatta
  • Welya Roza Universitas Bung Hatta


INTRODUCTION All of language skills require grammar, from reading, speaking, listening and writing. Grammar of language is the set of the rules that govern its structure [1]. Grammar is an important language element that the students must have. Grammar supports all language skills [2]. There are eight parts of speech in English grammar; namely, noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, conjunction, preposition, and interjection. It is necessary to learn, especially, personal pronoun as one of the grammar parts of speech [3]. Personal pronoun is the most important class of pronouns, referring to people, things, events and so on which are understood to be known in the context [4]. In English there are several types of pronouns and they also have different position and function, as the first person in English used as; (a) subject: I, you, (b) object: me,them, (c) possessive adjective: my, their, (d) possessive pronoun: mine, yours, and (e) reflexive pronoun: myself, yourself. In the students’ mother tongue (bahasa ibu), first person (saya) can be used in any position in sentence without changing its meaning and it makes students confused when using English pronouns. There are several researchers who have conducted a research about an analysis of students error in using personal pronouns. Suryani and Hidayatullah (2017) did a research entitled “Error Analysis of the Students Test Result on Using Personal Pronouns.” They found that the students error in using personal pronouns were: possesive pronoun 70 (73.68%), reflexive pronoun 64 (67.36%), possessive adjective 63 (66.31%), object pronoun 59 (62.10%), and subject pronoun 40 (42.10%). Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the most errors which were made by students was using possessive pronoun [5]. Next, Anggraini (2017) also did a research entitled “An Analysis of Students’ Errors in Using English Pronouns: A Case Study at Ninth Grade Students of SMPN 2 Lingsar in Academic Year 2017/2018.” She found that the students’ errors in using personal pronouns as subject was 30 errors (4.3%), personal pronoun as object was 210 (30.3%), possessive adjective was 186 (26.9%) and possessive pronoun was 267 (38.5%). Based on the result above, it can be concluded that the most students made errors in using possessive pronoun [6]. METHOD The researcher used descriptive research design. Descriptive research involves collecting the data in order to test hypothesis or to answer questions concerning the current status of the subject of the study [7]. The population of this research was the tenth grade students of SMAN 2 Solok. The researcher used stratified cluster random sampling technique in selecting the sample. The number of samples was 70 students. Instrument for collecting the data in this research was grammar test. To make the test reliable, the researcher used split-half technique. The reliability index of the test was 0.70 which was categorized as high correlation. It means that the test was reliable. To collect the data, the researcher administered the test offline to the students. The researcher asked the students to do the test in 30 minutes. Next, the researcher counted the raw score of each student. Then, the researcher counted the frequency of errors made by the students. Finally, the researcher calculated the percentage frequency errors of the items test and calculated the average of total frequency of errors. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS The result of this research showed that the tenth grade students’ errors in using personal pronouns in simple present sentence was 45.09%. It was categorized low. It was supported by the fact that the tenth grade students’ errors in using subject pronouns in simple present sentence was 131 (37.43%), it was low. The tenth grade students’ errors in using object pronouns in simple present sentence was 170 (48.57%) it was low. The tenth grade students’ errors in using possessive adjective in simple present sentence was 157 (44.86%) it was low. The tenth grade students’ errors in using possessive pronouns in simple present sentence was 149 (42.57%) it was low. The tenth grade students’ errors in,using reflexive pronouns in simple present sentence was 182 (52%) it was high. Those are described below: Table 1 Students’ Errors in Using Personal Pronoun in Simple Present Sentence at SMAN 2 Solok No Personal Pronoun Percentage of the average 1 Students’ errors in using subject pronoun in simple present sentence 37.43% 2 Students’ errors in using object pronoun in simple present sentence 48.57 % 3 Students’ errors in using possessive adjective in simple present sentence 44.86 % 4 Students’errors in using possessive pronoun in simple present sentence 42.57% 5 Students’ errors in using reflexive pronoun in simple present sentence 52% 1. Students’ Errors in Using Subject Pronouns in Simple Present Sentence The result of the data analysis showed that 131 (37.43%) errors occurred in using subject pronouns in simple present sentence. It was categorized low. It was supported by the fact that there were item number 1 had 35 (26.72%), item number 7 had 27 (20.62%), item number 15 had 45(34.35%), item number 1 part II had 14 (10.69%) and item number 7 part II had 10 (7.63%). 2. Students’ Errors in Using Object Pronouns in Simple Present Sentence The result of the data analysis showed that 170 (48.57%) errors occurred in using object pronouns in simple present sentence. It was categorized low. It was supported by the fact that there were item number 2 had 35 (20.59%) , item number 8 had 44 (25.88%), item number 13 had 36 (21.18%), item number 2 part II had 31 (18.24%) and item number 6 part II had 24 (14.12%). 3. Students’ Errors in Using Possessive Adjective in Simple Present Sentence The result of the data analysis showed that 157 (44.86%) errors occurred in using possessive adjective in simple present sentence. It was categorized low. It was supported by the fact that there were item number 4 had 43 (27.39%), item number 9 had 30 (19.11%), item number 12 had 42 (26.75%), item number 3 part II had 20 (12.74%) and item number 5 part II had 22 (14.01%). 4. Students’ Errors in Using Possessive Pronouns in Simple Present Sentence The result of the data analysis showed that 149 (42.57%) errors occurred in using possessive pronouns in simple present sentence. It was categorized low. It was supported by the fact that there were item number 3 had 27 (18.12%), item number 5 had 38 (25.50%), item number 10 had 34 (22.82%), item number 4 part II had 24 (16.11%) and item number 9 part II had 26 (17.45%). 5. Students’ Errors in Using Reflexive Pronouns in Simple Present Sentence The result of the data analysis showed that 182 (52%) errors occurred in using reflexive pronouns in simple present sentence. It was categorized high. It was supported by the fact that there were item number 6 had 41 (22.53%) , item number 11 had 42 (23.08%), item number 14 had 38 (20.88%), item number 8 part II had 36 (19.78%) and item number 10 part II had 25 (13.74%). CONCLUSIONS AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the findings, it can be concluded that the tenth grade students’ errors in using personal pronouns in simple present sentence at SMAN 2 Solok was low. If this research is compared with research by Suryani and Hidayatullah (2017), we can concluded that the result is contrast because in Suryani and Hidayatullah’s research the result showed that the students errors on using personal pronoun was high. Related to the study, the researcher would like to give several suggestions. The researcher suggests to the teacher to use the appropriate method to teach the students about personal pronoun, then the teacher should give a clear explanation about pronoun to the students and also give them more exercise especially in applying personal pronoun in sentences. To future researcher, the researcher expected that the result of this study can be used as a reference for the next research. It is suggested for the future researchers to find out the specific cause of the students’ errors in using personal pronoun especially in using reflexive pronoun. Keywords: Error, Personal Pronoun, Simple Present THANK YOU NOTE The researcher would like to thank and give appreciation to her advisor, Dr. Drs. H. Welya Roza, M.Pd who has taken his time to give guidance, advices, corrections and encouragement during the thesis completion process. His suggestions and support are very valuable in finishing this thesis. The researcher also would like to thank to her supervisors, Drs. Khairul, M.Sc. and Dr. Joni Alfino, S.Pd., M.Pd who gave a lot of advices and correction in writing this thesis. The researcher also expresses her sincere appreciation to Drs. Khairul, M.Sc. as the Dean of the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Dr. Syukma Netti, M.Si. as the Vice Dean, Fitrina Harmaini, S.S., MA. as the Head of English Department, and also all of lecturers who helped the researcher during learning at the English Department of Bung Hatta University. Next, the researcher also expresses special gratitude to her beloved parents M. Nasir and Erdawati, and her beloved brother, Rahmad Erdin Abdillah. They have given perfect support to her to finish this thesis. The appreciation goes to her beloved friends Kemilau Aliffiya, Yustika Apritasari, Dina Piana, Febbi Angellia, Siti Fadila al-Ramadhani, Yuni Indrawati, Dian Novita Nanda, Shinta Oktavia and Chantika Nurmalita Harahap for their endless love, motivation, help, supports, and prayers to finish this thesis.


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