INTRODUCTION Language is a complex system of communication that used human beings. By language we can talk with other people, give information, express emotion, ideas, beliefs, feelings, opinion, and others. In Indonesian, English has been taught to students from elementary school up to university degree. In studying English, there are some abilities consisting of listening, speaking, reading and writing. There is some other critical ability in English that is listening. Translating is essentially as a converting of a shape to be different shape the alternative shape here can be a source language (SL) or target language (TL) [1]. Translation is known as the process of transferring one language (known as Source Language) to another language (known as Target Language) [2]. Translation is one of the important aspects of English because translation is the process that interprets sentences into another language. Translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the what that the author intended the text [3]. Doing translating is usually dealing with the meaning because translating is not only converting the language. In translating, there are some aspects to be considers, they are lexical equivalence and grammatical adjustment. Translation is one of the subjects that is allocated in English Department curriculum. Basically, a translation is the process changing an original written language (SL) into a written language (TL) in a different verbal language (TL) [4]. Translation is a subject by the second-year students at the fourth semester, English Indonesian translation is not an easy subject for the students [5]. The song is the important one that should be learns because people often hear songs every day. The phenomena that occurs at this time is that many people listen western songs but do not understand the meaning of the song, whether it’s good to hear or not. From the explanation above, the researcher was interested in analyzing the students’ ability in translating the lyrics of the song from English into Indonesian. METHOD The researcher used a descriptive research design. Descriptive research involves collecting data to test hypotheses or to answer questions about the current status of the subject of the study [6]. Population is all the research subjects [7]. The population choses by the researcher was the second-year students in the English Department of Bung Hatta University. The number of sample was 30 students. The researcher planned to use the total sampling technique. Total sampling is a sampling where the number of the samples is the same as population member [8]. The instrument that the researcher used is translation test. After analyzing the data, it was found that the coefficient of the data was 0.90 (Very High Correlation). It meant that the test was reliable and could be used as an instrument to collect the data. The researcher collected the data as follows: the researcher gave the translation test to the students, the researcher explained the directions, the researcher gave more than 45 minutes to do the test, the researcher collected the answer sheet, and the researcher copied the students’ work and gave them to the second scorer and checked the student’s answer based on the criteria of translation. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONS Based on the result of the data analysis, the researcher presents the students’ ability generally in translating a song from English into Indonesian. The result showed that 16 students got very good ability (53.4%). 12 students got good ability (40%), 1 student got moderate ability (3.3%) and 1 student got low ability (3.3%). Table 1 The Students’ Ability in Translating Lyrics of the Song from English into Indonesian Grade Number of Students The Percentage of Students Very Good 16 Students 53,4% Good 12 Students 40% Moderate 1 Students 3,3% Low 1 Students 3,3% Total 30 Students 100% 1. Students Ability in Translating the Lyrics of the Song in Using Lexical Equivalent The result showed 18 students got very good ability (60%), 9 students got good ability (30%), 2 student got moderate ability (6,7%) and 1 student got low ability (3,3%). It means that the ability of the fourth year students in translating a song using lexical equivalence was very good. 2. Students Ability in Translating the Lyrics of the Song in Using Grammatical Adjustment The result showed 17 students got very good ability (56,7%), 11 students got good ability (36,7%), 1 student got moderate ability (3,3%) and 1 student got low ability (3,3%). It means that the ability of the second year students in translating a song using grammatical adjustment was very good. CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS Based on the result of data analysis, generally, the ability of the second-year students of the English Department of Bung Hatta University in translating a song from English into Indonesian was very good. The researcher gives some suggestions for the students, lecturers, and the next researcher. For the students, they should maintain their ability in translation in using lexical equivalence and improve their ability in grammatical adjustment by practicing translation and doing some exercise, and pay attention to grammatical rules on the next to make the sentence more acceptable by the reader. For the lecturers, they should give more exercises to students to make their ability more increasingly in translating and build up their understanding of the grammatical rules of the next. For the next researcher, the researcher suggest doing the research using complete components of the song and doing the related research about translating a song from English into Indonesian. Keywords : Translation, ability, lyrics, song THANK YOU NOTE First, the researcher would like to express her sincere gratitude to Dr. Adzanil Prima Septy, M.Pd as the advisor who have spent his time, shared his knowledge, gave some inputs, comments, suggestions, and guidances to the researcher in finishing this thesis. The researcher’s thanks and appreciation are addressed to her supervisors, Drs. Khairul, M.Sc and Dr. Joni Alfino, S.Pd, M.Pd who have given guidance, advices and corrections. Furthermore, a lot of thanks are delivered to Drs. Khairul, M.Sc, as the Dean of Teacher Training and Education of Faculty of Bung Hatta University, Fitrina Hermaini, S.S, MA as the Head of English Department, and all lecturers who helped the researcher during her study at English Department. Then, the researcher would like to express her deepest gratitude and appreciation to her beloved father, Endriyanto as her best man and to her beloved mother, Devi Ravina as her beautiful guardian angel for giving her endless love, spirits, motivation and always pray for her every time. Special thanks are extended for her beloved brother, Muhammad Afdhal, S.IP and her sister, Elvira Susanti, S.Pd who always supported her during her thesis writing.Referensi
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